Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines

1. Publishing Scope

Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science) mainly publishes academic papers in Computer Science and Technology, Industrial Control and Automation, Mechanical Engineering, Power Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Communication Engineering, Material Engineering, Chemical Engineering, etc. The detailed scope can be found in the Aim and Scope.

2. Requirements for Submissions

1) Article title, author names, author affiliations and postal codes, and keywords should be provided in both Chinese and English. If the study received funding or project support, the name and number of the fund must be included in both Chinese and English. When submitting your manuscript, please include the first author’s name, gender, year of birth, title, and degree, and the corresponding author’s name, title, phone, fax, and e-mail address.

2) The title should accurately and concisely describe the content of the article without using abbreviations. The Chinese abstract should be between 350-450 words in length. The abstract should include the objective, methods, and results. The English abstract should be around 450-550 words (expanding on the content of the Chinese abstract) and briefly introduce the research background, content, and results. The number of keywords should be between 3 and 8.

3) The use of quantities, units, and symbols in the text should comply with international and national standards. Foreign names and terms in the text should be in English and not translated into Chinese.

4) Figures, tables, and formulas should be numbered throughout the article, and captions for figures and tables should be provided in both Chinese and English. Tables should follow a three-line format, and the content should be presented in English.

5) The chapter numbers of the document use three headings: Level 1 headings such as 1, 2, 3….… ; Secondary headings such as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3...... ; Tertiary headings such as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3...... . Don’t title your paragraph with an introduction or preface, and don’t put a "0" or "1" in front of the introduction.

6) If the study involves human subjects, the authors must state in the manuscript that the study has been approved by the relevant ethics committee and provide the approval documents for review by the editorial office. In general, identifiable information about subjects should be avoided. If it is necessary for the research to include the identifiable information, informed consent must be obtained from the subjects (or their legal guardians).

7) If the study involves animal experimentation, the authors must state the species and source of the animals in the manuscript, declare that the study has been approved by the appropriate ethics committee, and submit the approval documents to the editorial office for review.

8) Data sharing is beneficial to the reproducibility of scientific research. This journal encourages authors to share research data, such as original data, observational records, experimental results, etc. Authors may also share the software, code, model, algorithm, and other materials used in the research. Authors may upload the shared data or materials to open storage platforms (such as the Science Data Bank) and provide links at the end of the paper.

9)The detailed requirements can be found in the Paper template.

3. Submission of manuscript

1) We only accept online contributions, and the official website of the journal is Please click on ‘author login’ on the home page of Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science). If you are a new user, please register your account. Click ‘submission’ and fill in all submission information and author information. The detailed submission process can be found in the Guideline. After submission, authors can check the status of the review process in the manuscript submission system at any time. You can find detailed information about the review process in the Review Process. The same manuscript should only be delivered once to avoid multiple numbers.

2) The review period is 90days. The author will be informed of the review result after the review. If the author fails to receive the review result within the deadline, he/she can contact the editorial department and submit it to other journals.

3) The author do not need to pay the review fee when submitting manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted, the author should pay the publishing fee. You can find the details regarding fees in the Charging Standards section.

4. Submission Agreement

1) Manuscripts submitted must be original works that have not been published in any official domestic or international publications. Our journal strictly prohibits submitting an article to multiple journals at the same time, repeated submissions of identical content, and submitting the same content in different languages. Should any of the aforementioned practices be detected, the manuscript will be immediately rejected. Furthermore, the author’s affiliated institution will be notified, as will other journals in the relevant academic field. Subsequent submissions from the offending author will not be considered for publication.

2) After submission, the author will be notified of the results of the review within 90days. During this period, the author may not submit the manuscript elsewhere. Some manuscripts may take longer to review. If the author decides to submit the manuscript to another journal or to withdraw the manuscript, please inform the editorial office before proceeding. If the editorial office decides to accept the manuscript, the author will be notified in a timely manner.

3) The author is responsible for the content of the manuscript. The editorial office has the right to make technical and textual changes to the manuscript, and content changes may be made with the author’s consent.

4) After the manuscript is accepted, the editorial department will collect the publication fee and pay the remuneration.

5) After acceptance of the manuscript, the author will be required to sign a "Copyright Transfer Agreement" to transfer copyright in the article to the editorial office of this journal (including copyright in the online version of the article).

6)All contributors to this publication are deemed to automatically accept the above agreement.

5. Contact

Tel: 0371-67781276,67781277

Contact person: Mrs. Xiang


Submission Platform Website:

Please read this notice carefully so that the author’s manuscript can be reviewed and accepted as soon as possible. You can view the detailed copyright statement at Open Access.

Copyright © 2023 Editorial Board of Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science)