2014 volumne 35卷 Issue 02
ZHENG Yuanxun ,YANG Peibing
Abstract: In order to study the influence of asphalt pavement temperature on pavement deflection, a finite element coupling model of asphalt pavement was established considering the temperature sensitivity of road material parameters.Based on the numerical model, the variation of pavement deflection under FWD dynamic loading under different temperature conditions and the influence of temperature on the maximum deflection of asphalt pavement with different thickness are analyzed.At the same time, the influence of asphalt pavement structure and material parameters on the dynamic bending temperature correction coefficient is analyzed. Finally, the dynamic bending temperature correction coefficient of asphalt pavement is studied based on the coupling model and compared with the test results.The results show that the pavement thickness and base modulus have great influence on the temperature correction coefficient. The temperature correction coefficient of asphalt pavement deflection established based on the finite element model is in good agreement with the temperature correction coefficient established through the experimental research, and can be used as an effective supplement to the experimental research.
WANG Peng , FAN Lei,CUI Can
Abstract: In order to research the effects of coefficient of thermal expansion ( CTE) on the PCC pavement de-sign,some efforts have been done. According to the PCC pavement design standard in our country ,the influ-ence of CTE on the temperature stress is analyzed , and the M-E design method is used to analyses the influ-ence of CTE on transverse joint faulting. The conclusion is drawn that CTE has a great impact on the designingof pavement thickness especially on the joint load transfer and the warping of slab corner. So introducing theparameter of CTE to the PCC pavement design is of great significance.
CEN Weijun, WANG Meng, SHI Conghao, etc;
Abstract: The stability of sliding resistanee ealeulation of an expensive rock channel slope due to rainfall infil.tration was eondueted in the middle route of the South.North Water Transfer Projeet. The plane element with.out thickness was proposed to simulate the subtle fissures. The influenee of fissures, rainfall intensity, dura-tion of rainfall and initial matrie suetion on the channel slope seepage field and stability were studied. The re.sults show that the infiltration inereases by the surfaee fissure, which causes worsening of the slope stability.The safety factor will deerease with the inereasing of rainfall duration and intensity. The stability is better forthe initial lower water content of the channel slope.
NIE Zhihong,JAO Tan, WANG Xiang
Abstract: CMV is an indieator of continuous compaelion eontrol (CCC). The major purpose of the paper is toinvestigate the probability models of CMV and find the optimal rolled times based on the data of a subgradesite. Several methods were used to filter the CMV data and the diserete probability was used to find the mostaeeurate probability model. After analyzing the final CMV data, the results shows that the lognormal distribu-tion is the most aeeurate distribution. Based on the model, the result of optimal rolled times was found as sixlimes. The result of the paper provide a referenee for the subgrade continuous compaction.
YANG Jun, TONG Le, ZHANG Guodong
Abstract: This paper discussed the elfect of CBR charaeteristics of expansive soil improved by weathered sand andanalyzed the modified CBR swelling rate changes along with the wet-dry eyeles and weathered sand content. Re.search shows that: (1) CBR value atenuation caused by wet and dry cyele can be effeetively suppressed whenmixed with weathered sand. The inhibition elfeet with the inerease of weathered sand dosage first inereases and thendeereases , the best inhibitory efeet of weathered sand content is 4096 : (2) With the increase of the times of thedry-wet eyeling, weathered sand improved expansive soil CBR value gradually decreased. When the times of dry.wet eyeling reaches at 4 .5, CBR value gradually stabilized. (3) Mived with weathered sand due to eycles of wet.ting and drying effeets eaused by the specimen suraee cracking, collapse had gpod inhibitory effeet.
LIU Hongying, YE Song, TAN Famao,etc;
Abstract: The gradation segregation of asphalt mixture is one of the causes of early damage of asphalt pave.ment ; the large size asphalt mixtures have more prone to aggregate segregalion due to the coarse aggregate con-tent more than the normal asphalt mixes. This paper developed the measuring instrument of the aggregate segregation of asphalt mix. The different types of asphalt mives with five gradations had done the gradation segre.gation test, its reliability was verified. The test results show that large size asphalt mixture using Bailey methoddesign had the strong resistanee to segregation characteristies than AC type asphal mixture ; the aggregate passrate differenee between belore and after stockbin was suggested to evaluation asphalt mixture gradation segregaton.
SHEN Junmin,ZHANG Jun,ZHA0 Jianbin, etc;
Abstract: The mechanism of the reinforeed bridge approach embankment with geogrid is firslly introdueed.Aecorling to the requirements of vertieal aeeeleration that human body travels with, the settlement require.ments of bridge approach are diseussed and the transition seetion length of reinforeed embankment for eomfortable driving is detemmined. The are assumplion is made to deseribe the settement curves and the Coulomb frie.tion is used to model the interlace characteristie between geogrid and soil. The stress of geogrid reinforeing theembankment is studied at last, the analytical expression to caleulate the axial tension forees of the geogrid isobtained, and it is veriied by the numerical simulation and practieal projeet.
TAN Daoyuan , ZOU Jitao, LIU Haiao, etc;
Abstract: The development of Karst is harmful to the shallow buried tunnel in limestone distribution region,which is mainly characterised as the tumnel leakage caused by rain or groundwater. In this study, illustrated bythe case of Pishuang’ ao tunnel of Beijing-Zhuhai expressway in Guangdong provinee, high-density eleetricalmethod is applied to the detection of karst leakage passage of tunnel survey area. The deteclion results are con-sistent with the ground investigation of actual geologieal bodies ( ie , karst collapses), which verily the feasibil.ity and aeeuraey of high-density eleetrieal method in the leakage passage detection of karst region.
Abstract: With two types of wall strueture-aerated conerete block and straw grey mud bricks as research ob.jeet, using the test and theory analysis method, we condueted a deep and metieulous research in two kinds oleomposite wall with antiseismie performanee. We made an analysis of the wall of broken process, breakingmode , bearing capaeity , ductility, energy dissipation and so on. e put forward the design prineiple of com-posile wall strueture and seismie struelural requirements. The results provide a scientifie basis on the compos.ite wall strueture design theory and engineering application
LIU Shao-wen,ZHANG Jun, SUN Ling
Abstract: In the loess region, the exeessive setllement and difierential setlement, slope instability, oceur fre.quently on the embankment, especially on the asymmetrie embankment. In this paper, the dynamie behaviorsof the asymmetrie unreinforeed, reinforeed with geogrid or EPS embankment were studied through numeriealsimulation eonsidering the elfeets of traffie load of eoal trucks and regarling the traffie load as semi-sine wave.Parametrieal analysis was also condueted eonsidering the amplitude, frequeney of trafie load and the intervalbetween trueks. The results showed that the amplitude and frequeney of traffie load had great efleels on the de.formation of embankment, while the interval between trucks was of less effeet. The reinforeement eleet of geo-grid was always better than EpS.
WANG Zhongyong, FENG Liting, DUAN Linlin
Abstract: In this paper, a joint channel estimation and deeoding algorithm over doubly seleetive fading chan-nels is proposed. Based on Faetor Graph and Sum-Produet algorithm, the channel estimator and the deeoder,as independent information proeessors and using different internal/external update rules, are integrated into aunified FG model. Combined with particle filter algorithm, the channel parameters are tracked and estimatedin real time to realize the iterative message passing. The simulations show, under certain pilot interval andnumber of partieles, the perormanee of the algorithm is close to the known channel information with clear iter-ative process, and effeetively solve the low frequeney spectrum utilization problem.
XU Gang, DING Songyang, ZHANG Mohua
Abstract: In order to construet high speed and security key agreement protocol using chaotie system, we studyone of the existing key agreement protoeols based on Chebyshev polynomial, eonstruet an improved key agree.ment protoeol by utilizing the semi-group property of Chebyshev polynomials and message authentieation code.which can eomplete the identity authentieation between eommunication paries and eonfirm the consisteney olthe session key. The proposed key agreement protocol is efficient and seeure, which is proved by the erypta-nalysis.
WU Lin, WANG Yujing, YAN Chaokun
Abstract: As the energy problem of cloud data center is becoming more and more serious, the BoT ( Bag olTasks) seheduling algorithm considering only timespan can not adapt to the cloud computing environment. lnorder to guarantee users to perlom experienee, and also eleclively reduee the energy consumplion, this papeipresents a two-step energy-aware task scheduling algorithm, called DH-CRO algorihm. DH-CRO takingmakespan as the main optimization goals, meanwhile adjusts energy consumplion by DVFS technique. Experimental results verily DH-CRO algorithm is more efficient than other algorithms, such as GA, Min-Min, CROand so on. DH.CRO using in cloud environment can optimize the makespan to the maximum extent, and re.duce the total energy consumption at the same time.
LUO Yong, ZHU Bo
Abstract: Seientifie research project of projeet seleetion should be carried out on multiple projects. To seleetthe oplimal projeet of seienee and technology plan, a fair, objective project evaluation results, this paper, byusing reliability analysis and decision based on entropy weight , the study of multiple projeet optimization prob.lems. First of all, aeeorling to expert research baekground caused by the different subjective mistakes prob.lem , put forward a new kind of expert reliability ealeulation method, to quantify the different expert evaluationof reliability , the entropy weight deeision-making model on the basis of the construction, the projeet evaluationresults are ealeulated, and complete the oplimal projeet selection deeisions aeeordingly. Finally, a numericasimulation to evaluate multiple projeets of seienee and technology optimizing, the effeetiveness of the modelwas verihed.
LI Tianyi,FU Ku,CENG Yuehua;
Abstract: By researching the generation ol test suite in combinational eireuit testing instrimenis, a generatonof combinational cireuit test suite combined with compilation feature was proposed. The generation of testsuite, which combined the compilers prineiples with test suite generation algorithm, solving some diffieulproblems in combinational cireuit testing instruments ; the type of tested chip is not easy to expand, hardwaredesign cireuit is complexity, and so on. This paper starts from the funetional expression of tested chip, elabo.rating the analysis proeess of the lexieal, syntax and semanties in detail. And taking eritieal path method forexample , this paper gives a detailed design scheme of the test suite generation. Finally, aeeording to the de.sign, we designed a combinational cireuit test system based on STC89C52 chip, and gave the performanee testresults of the system.
YANG Ning, MIA0 Zhongcui
Abstract: In this paper, a detailed study on the Model Referenee Adaplive Controller( MRAC ) ulilizing thereaetive power for the veetor control of molor drive is presented. The model of speed estimation on the MRACbased reaetive power is building. lt eliminates the elfeet of the stator resistanee’s change, and is free of caleu.lus items, and improves the aeeuracy of speed estimation, dynamie performanee and stability enhaneement olthe eontrol system. That has one simulation analysis on the loading, step response and ramp response of themotor. Simulation results have been presented to eonfirm that Veelor Controlled Induetion Motor based MRACutilizing the reaelive power has good eonvergenee and stability. The results reveal that the estimated speed fol.lows the aetual with good aecuraey, and has satisfactory perforanee around zero erossing.Key words : induetion motor, veetor eontrol, model referenee adaplive controller, reaelive power
LI Jianyong , ZHA0 Feng , CHU Bing
Abstract: Singular linear parameter varying systems (SLpVS) can present the physieal systems precisely andare the key to solve the gain-seheduling control. In this paper, the robust performanee analysis and robust con.trol of SLpVS is investigated. First, the admission and H, norm of the system is diseussed based on the gener.al Lyapunov inequation. The linear matrix inequation eondilions are given for the admission and robustness oSL.PVS. Then, the existenee of robust conlroller of the system is addressed. The construetion of the oulputfeedback robust controller is put forward via solving the algebraie Riccati equations.
LUO Tingliang, SHANG Kailong, KONG Haiping,etc;
Abstract: The Cu-based eatalysts were prepared by coprecipitation methods, with Na,CO,as the preeipitantand with the solutions of mixed nitrates. The effeets of Cu/Zn/Al ratio ,aging time, ealeination temperature onthe catalyst performanee were investigated ,and the catalysts were studied by X-ray difraction ( XRD),themo.gravimetrie analysis( ’TC ). The optimum preparation parameters were obtained as follows : the eu loading was4096 ,the ratio of zn and Al was 2. 7: 1 ,the aging time was 2h ,the ealcination temperature was 450’℃ ,and un-der these conditions , the conversion of dimethyl adipate and the yield of 1, 6-hexanediol were 98. 46%6 and72.99% ,respectively.
XU Jun,LI Manzhi,HAN Li, etc;
Abstract: The SAPO-17 zeolite has been synthesized by means of the hydrothermal synthesis method using ey.clohexylamine (CHA) as a template. The inlluenee of the different siliea sourees, the erystallization timethe content of the templating agent , as well as the ratio of siliea to alumina on the synthesis was systematicallinvestigated. The experiment results show that the synthesised SAPO-17 zeolite was highly erystalline and freeof erystalline impurity under the following oplimal synthesis conditions: silica souree was aqueous silica sol.the ralio of gel was0.11(Si0,):1(Al,0,):1(P,0,):1(CHA):50(H,0), and the erystallization time was96 h. The properties of SAP0-17 were charaeterized by XRD, SEM, N, adsorption-desorption,NH,-TPD andFT-IR technique. When methanol was applied to olefin ( MTO) reactions, SAP0-17 showed exeellent eatalytieperformanee. The methanol eonversion and C,"~C," seleclivity were 100% , 85.8696 , respectively.
FANG Shuqi,WU Xiaowei
Abstract: The liquid appears as film flow when spray onto outside of heat exchanger tubes due to gravity. Thecondition of filming affeets the heat and mass transer of heat exehanger tubes signifieantly. The film annulargap size should be 1. 3 ~2.0 mm based on the previous experimental research. The theoretical analysis waseondueted on liquid film flow charaeteristies of the falling film outside the vertieal tube, and a comparison wasmade between the analysis and the experimental researeh with the different eoneentration of lithium bromidesolution is similar in present work. The relationship of the llow-rate eoelficients is eorrelated in terms of theReynolds number of lithium bromide solution in vertical tube falling films.
JI Haiyang, YUbo, DENG Wanquan, etc;
Abstract: In a fixed spray flow, using Phase Doppler Paricle Analyzer (PDPA) to measure combined separa.tor import and export gas-liquid mixture atomized water content, get the relationship that the separation elli.cieney of the combined separator varied with air flow changes. Then eontrast test on the combined gas-waterseparator was carried out to study the influenee of bafle plate separation element on combined separator separation elficieney. The results demonstrated that the separation elfieieney of combined separator with balllesseparating element is higher than which without baffles separating element.
YANG FengYe, LlU MinShan, LIU Tong, etc;
Abstract: Conveetion heat transfer of supererilical pressure CO, in mierotubes (D =0.4 mm) were investiga-ted, the changes of physieal property of supereritieal CO, and the impaet of buoyaney on the heat transfer wereanalyzed, and eonvection correlations of supereritical CO, in mierotubes were fitted when considering buoyan.ey. The results showed that the impaet of physieal properties of carbon dioxide on the buoyaney was big, andthe physieal property of CO, changes very violently at the critical point , which caused larger decline of buoyan.cy, heat transer was strengthened. lt was also eoneluded that the heat transfer correlations of the supererilicaC0, were achieved, which can be used to prediet heat transfer performanee of supereritieal CO, in mierolubes.
LI Yonggang,ZHA0 Xiangnan, FAN Guixia, etc;
Abstract: In reeent years, ZA alloy, as a result of its exeellent casting performanee, mechanieal properiesand wear resistanee, has become one of the hot spot on ally study. This paper deals with the elfeet of Silieonon the mierostructure, mechanism property and dry sliding wear of Zn-75 Al Alloy by using OM, TH700 Vick.ers hardness tester, eleetronie universal testing machine and MMU - 10G wear test instrument. The resultsshow that addition of silieon to 2n-75Al resulted in the formation of euteetie silieon phase. lt is evenly distribu.ted when silieon content in alloy is less than 396 . However, lt becomes larger, exhibits a kind of micro-segre.gation , and precipitates a small amount of irregularly shaped primary silieon phase when silicon eontent in al.loy is more than 3% . WVith the inerease of silicon content, the Vickers hardness of the alloys inereases, the e.longation deereases , while the tensile strength of the alloys inereases firstly and then deereases, and it is maxi-mum when silicon content is 396 : the eoelieient of frietion and volume loss of alloy deereases firstly and thenincreases, and the wear resistanee of alloy is best when silicon content is 3%
ZHAO Shafei, PAN Rongkai, ZHOU Sichen,etc;
Abstract: Elastie properties of Al4Ce and Al2CeZn2 phases have been studied within density funetional theoryframework. With substitution of Zn for part Al, the laltice constant a of Al2CeZn2 is reduced while e is in.ereased. Al, CeZn, is thermodynamieally more stable due to the lower formation enthalpy. With the exeeplionof Ces, Cij of Al2CeZn2 is smaller than one of Al4Ce. Due to the lower bulk and shear moduli, Al2CeZn2 hasthe lower resistanee to volume change under applied pressure and the smaller resistanee to shear defomation a.gainst external forees. Al2CeZn2 is more ductile than Al4Ce although both two phases behave as brite materi.als. Furhermore , the elastie anisotropy of Al,CeZn, is smaller than that of Al,Ce. Also, the Debye tempera-ture has been ealeulated. The eleetronie struelures are fiurther investigated to uneover the underlying mecha.nism for elastie properties of Al2CeZn2 and Al4Ce.
ZHANG Yinxia, YAN Suping, GAO Wei, etc;
Abstract: Mw wind turbines drif hydraulie system is developing in the direetion of being more intelligent. Weused eleero-hydraulie servo valve eonlrol theory and selected the drif hydraulie servo valve control eylinder toimplement the intelligent of the drif hydraulie system. The mathematieal model of drift hydraulie system is es.tablished. The system is stable through the linear analysis by using Simulink. The simulation model of draughtfan drift hydraulie system is built in the AMESim. The working proeess and performanee are simulated and an.alyzed. The simulation results show that the bigger the servo valve opening degree, the smaller the dampingtorque. In addition, the drif hydraulie system can meet the changing demands when the working eondition oldrift hydraulie system changes.
LIU Zhihua, HUANG Yufeng,XU Xinwei
Abstract: Spinal traction system is a non-linear and time-varying control system. In order to control the trae-tion foree aeeurately, the PlD neural network algorithm is put forward in this paper. Firstly, the prineiple olthe spinal traetion control system based on PlD neural network algorithm is introdueed. Then the strueture andthe initial values as well as the learning rule of the weights of the PlD) neural network are analyzed. Finally,the PlD) neural network was eompared with conventional PlD control under the different control eonditions inthe experiments. The experimental results showed that the PlD neural network had the property of high foreetraeking aeeuraey and anli-intererenee ability, as well as the beler adaplability to parameler change, com-pared with eonventional PlD control. The feasibility and eorreetness of the spinal traetion system and the eon-trol algorithm were verified.
YAN Ruzhen,CHEN Zhenbin,HE Jinge, etc;
Abstract: Based on the analysis of different countries carbon balanee ealeulation model of fuel eonsumpltion.Considering the emissions of the diesel vehicle consists a large ratio of carbon partieulates, which will affeclthe ealeulating of the fuel eonsumption. Revised the earbon balanee ealeulating model of diesel vehicles fuelconsumplion in our eountry. Through the vehiele eonstant veloeity driving cyele test , the fuel eonsumption eal.eulation results by correction model were compared with the measured results. And the relative error is within496 . Draw the data-fiting eruve and verily linear signifieanee and correlation coefficient. Results show thathas special significant linear relationship. The analysis results show that the revised carbon balanee caleulatingmodel applied to diesel? constant velocity driving eyele fuel consumption deteetion.
ZHANG Shuzhong, JANG Jibin, LIAN Guofu
Abstract: Based on the inelfieieney of exeavator hydraulie system , a 20-on hydraulie exeavator adopted doub.le-pump and dual-cireuit is taken as research objeet. The reeoverable energy distribution experiment of hy.draulie system is set up, and the models of muli-body work set and hydraulie system are built in MATLAB.After simulation and experimental studies in the standard work eyele, the reeoverable energy distributions oleach aetuator ( swing motor, boom , stick , bucket hydraulie eylinder) are ealeulated. The results show that re.coverable energy reaches up to 21.196 of total input energy of hydraulie system, in which the boom potentialenergy and swing braking energy oecupy most of the recoverable energy aecounting for 7296 and 23.896 re.speelively, indiealing the boom polential and swing braking energy recovery system is an effective way to reduee energy consumption .
LU Senlin, XU Jingchao
Abstract: The double wishbone suspension of torsion bar spring of a passenger vehicle was established and operated in Adams/View. Then, it was found out that the toe angle and caster angle is way loo large afer simu.lation. Sinee the complexity of suspension system and exeessive number of variables, it would be diffeult totake use of familiar ways to reach the ideal result. In this paper, the combination of multi-body dynamies soft.ware Adams/View and its optimization module Adams/Insight was introdueed. The sensitivity of design varia.bles was received and the parameter values was obtained. Then the objeet funetion was reached at the sametime with the oplimization of several design variables , thus the kinematie performanee was improved as well.
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