2014 volumne 35卷 Issue 01
MAO Xiaobo, ZHANG Yongjie, CHEN Tiejun
Abstract: With the fuzzy C-means clustering (FCM ) algorithm it is diffieult to determine the number of clus.ters on image segmentation, which is easy to get into a local oplimum. In order to solve the problems, this pa-per proposed a new segmentation method based on the ant eolony and improved FCM Clustering Algorithm withspatial information. Dividing image with the help of watershed algorithm, we got the initial segmentation re.sults. lt made full use of the ability of global optimization of the ant eolony algorithm to obtain the aeeurate o-riginal cluster centers and eluster number. Then the results were obtained as the iniial cluster eenters and thenumber of clusters of fuzzy C-means clustering algorihm. The experimental results show that: due to the de.erease of the size of clustering samples, the clustering speed, noise immunity and the robustness of the algo.rithm are improved signifcantly.
SU Shimei;WANG Yan;WANG Mingxia
Abstract: Wavelet transform ean elfeetively deeompose an image into high-requeney and low-frequeney infor.mation. Existing faee recognition algorithms mostly based on the low-frequeney information do not take full useof the high-requeney information. PCA has been widely used in faee recognition algorithms beeause of its sim.ple realization and high reeognition rate for frontal faces. But PCA is computationally intensive, and it’s vul.nerable to the changes of illumination and facial expression. This paper presents a new faee recognition methoduniting weighted wavelet decomposition with the PCA algorithm. This method can make up for the disadvan.tage of the traditional PCA algorithm which is sensitive to the changes of illumination and facial expression , forthe faee details are fully utilized through the weighted fusion of the seeondary decomposition of wavelet low fre.queney components and setting the new weighted values to the first three maximum prineipal vectors of PCA.E’xperimental results show that the proposed method has a marked improvement in recognition rate and trainingtime.
LIU Xianlin,JIAO Longfei,CHENG Zixia
Abstract: For simplified caleulation, we olten simplily some areas that do not need intensive study in powersystem analysis. By using the PSASP software to process dynamieal equivalence caleulation in typieal exampleand actual large seale power networks, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of PSASP dynam-ieal equivalenee funetion, which is named EPRl . lt is convenient to use. lt eould ealeulate multiple equiva.lenee and the caleulated results are suitable for transient analysis. But in some situations the EPRl equivalentcan not get results, and the equivalent ealeulation interrupts. The specific causes and improvement measuresneed to be further studied.
ZHAO Guosheng, CHENG Zixia, SUN Keqin.
Abstract: Now the orthogonal core magnetie controllable reaetors proposed in the papers are single phasestrueture , three phase controllable reactor used this structure needs high cost, in orler to solve the problem, anovel orthogonal core three-phase magnelie controllable reactor is proposed in this article, its srueture and theprineiple are introdueed. The paer eondueted the eleetromagnelie field analysis and cireuit characteristie analysis on the proposed controllable reaetor. By using Ansolt eleetrie-magnetie field analysis soltware we estab.lished the novel orthogonal core magnetie controllable reactor three-dimensional simulation model, verified thefeasibility of adjust the reaetor reactanee smoothly by adjusting the thyristor’s triggering angle and the less har.monie component in no load, the analysis of the three-phase magnetie controllable reaetor’s eleetromagneticfield distribution is made at the same time.
LI Bin; DONG Yu; SUN Yunxia
Abstract: Based on the distribution characters of enterprise railway branch - shaped sidings, using a variely olmode of operation , the mathematieal model of wagons for several trains arriving at stalion in batches was builtThe prineiple is to make full use of the traction and the oplimization goal was the least time of vehiele tolaconsumplion ; meanwhile, the genetie ant colony algorithm( GACA) was put forward to solve the problem . Using the random search , rapidity and global convergenee of genetie algorithm, the iniial pheromone was produeed . Then the exaet solution was ealeulated by using the parallelism , positive feedback mechanism and hig!solving ellicieney of ant algorithm. In combination with an example , the oplimal solution was found to verily therationality and feasibility of the model. And in eomparison with ant colony algorihm,illustrate the superiorityof the algorithm is shown.
YANG Yanping, TAO Caixia, WU Jianmin.
Abstract: The ultra-low-power MSP430F149 was set as the core in this paper to develop a sel of traee mete.ring pump control system, which could achieve flow control by controlling the stepper motor. We realizedclosed loop control of stepper motor by a Fuzzy Pll Control method, developed a PC control display interfaeeusing LabVlEW , and achieved serial port communieation with PC via RS -232. The system with good stabilitywas highly efficient.
LIANG Jing, SONG Hui, QU Boyang, MAO Xiaobo
Abstract: This paper deseribes that dynamie constraint mechanism and improved Partiele Swarm Oplimizer(Dynamie Multi-Swarm Particle Swarm Optimizer with Crossover) are combined to solve path planning prob.lems combining with Bezier curves. Diflerent algorithms are used to test charaeteristies of the eurves in thepath planning proeess and Bezier curve is used to deseribe the path. The results show that the DMS-pS0 over-.comes the phenomenon of preeocious and easy convergenee compared with standard PSO, and constraint mech-anism improves performanee of the oplimization algorithm which is combined with erossover, ean deal with theconstraints fexibly and overeomes the shorteomings of statie penalty funetion.
CHEN Genyong,CHAI Pengfei,GUO Yaofeng,FANG Xiang;.QIE Shengli
Abstract: In order to analyze regional power grid harmonie pollution situation ,a method of fuzzy similarity se-eetion and proximily on grid power harmonie comprehensive evaluation was proposed. Firslly, the index se.quenees between the evaluation objeet and the known objeet were compared and analyzed. Then the proximitindieators were used to evaluate the results, which were combined with fuzzy nearness and grey relational analysis, and the membership of assessment objeet for the oplimal level and next level was aequired to analyze thepurpose of the harmonie pollution situation. This method is simple and involves less ealeulation. Besides, thesealability of indieators is good. lt is suitable for power quality analysis system to assessment harmonie uniformly , and can achieve intelligent management.
CHEN Shuwei, ZHOU Wei, CAI Lina
Abstract: A decision-making method is proposed to solve the preference information in partial order form with credibility. For the preference information with credibility given by the decision maker, by treating each preference as a sequence, for each pair of schemes , using the context probability to calculate the probability that one plan ranks ahead of another. Then, according to the preference ranking algorithm, these probabilities are aggregated to obtain a nearly optimal total plan ranking. Its effectiveness is illustrated by examples.
WEI Xinli;QIU Zhiming;MA Xinling;WANG Hui
Abstract: R245fa is used as the the working lluid ,the eomputational fuid dynamies( CFD) sofeware FLUENTis adopled,and the standard k-s model is applied in this paper. The guide vanes that blade numbers rangefrom 15 to 27 inereased by 2 and the seling angles range from 24° to 40° inereased by 4° have been numeri.eally studied. The results of computation show that the guide vane’s outlet average circeumferential velocity,outlet average temperature and veloeity coelfieient have greatly improved compared with the original design,when the vane number is 2l and the setting angle is 28°. The blade height that original design llowrate re.quired is got with the linear fitting method in this vane number and setting angle. Research shows that the llowin the channel is in good eondition afler oplimization. This paper may provide a referenee for designing an effi.cient guide vane.
WANG Weishu,ZHANG Yufei,CHANG Nana
Abstract: The llow field charaeteristies and heat transler of the natural ventilation indireet air-cooling tower ir600MW supereritieal thermal power unit were numerieally simulated by Fluent6.3 at diflerent environmenwind speeds. The results indieate that when the wind velocity is 0, the flow field is relatively stable. The healdissipating capaeity and the ventilation quantity are the largest in the air-cooling tower under this condition.With the inerease of wind speed , large changes of the flow field inside the tower have taken place ,at the samtime ,heat dissipation and ventilation quantity showe a trend of deeline. lt can eause an adverse impaet on theoperation of the indireet air-cooling units. The results provide a theoretieal basis for the operation of indireelair-cooling tower in the large power plant unit.
LI Qingkui,ZHOU Bingyan,TANG Jianjun,CHEN Yiqing
Abstract: The degradation of prometryn by Ti02-P25 visible-light pholoeatalysis with H202 assiatanee wasstudied. The results indieated that prometryn could be degraded by Ti0, visible-light photoeatalysis with H202 assiatanee, and the degradation ratio could be 8096 after 120 min reaction. It was appropriate to control pHand the ratio of [ H202 ]/[ prometryn] to be 3.0 and 45, respectively. In the degradation process of prome.tryn, methyl, thio and amino groups were oxidized as NO3- and SO4, the removal ratio of TOC reached7096 , and the end produel of promelryn degradation was cyanurie acid. $pectrum analysis indieated that thecomposite structures by H202 adsorbing on the Ti02 surface was converted to free radieals under visible light.and the reaction proeess was predominated by the hydroxyl free radieal( . 0H) generation in the system.
YUE Jincai, ZHU Nannan,LIU Xianhong

Abstract: The solubilitis of BPA in water,5%,10%,15%,20% and 25%6 NaCl solution at 293.15 ~381.15K were measured with the equilibrium method. Aeeording to the experimental data, the solubilities of BPA in above mentioned 6 solvent systems inereased with the inerease of temperalure,but deereased with the inerease olconeentration of NaCl solution. "The experimental data were correlated with ideal solution model, A-h equationand Apelblat model, respeetively. The average relalive deviations are 1.88%6 ,2.83%6 ,1.57%6 ,respectively. Theresults showed that ideal solution model, A-h equation and Apelblat model could well correlate the solubility da.ta of BPA, and the three models also can be applied to the ternary system containing electrolyte.
Wang Suran,Duan Sheng-jun,Yu Jie,Xing chuanhong
Abstract: An integrated process of enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal from mixed municipal wastewater by membrane Bioreactor was studied. The results showed that the effect of reflux ratio on COD and NH3-N was not significant, and the average removal rate of TN gradually increased with the increase of reflux ratio, when the reflux ratio increased from 1.5 to 2.0, with the increase of reflux ratio, the removal rate of TP increased from 2.0 to 3.0, and the average removal rate of TP decreased with the increase of reflux ratio, the average removal rate of TP was the highest when the reflux ratio was 2.0. The optimum reflux ratio is 2.0.0.
Fan Zhonglei, Cha Huiping,Wang Linghui
Abstract: The ethylenediamine silica gel material (EDA/SiO2) with an amine group content of 1.35 mmol/g was synthesized, the effects of solution flow rate, initial concentration, and loading amount on its dynamic adsorption performance were investigated, and the Thomas model parameters and operating conditions of the system were studied. The results show that EDA/SiO2 can effectively remove copper ions in water, and the breakthrough time is shortened with the increase of the initial concentration of the solution and the acceleration of the flow rate. The equilibrium adsorption capacity q0 has a significant impact, and the flow Q has a significant impact on kTh. The model parameter q0 has a linear relationship with C0/m through the specific strength of the ion adsorbent, and the equation is: q0=0.023 4C0/m+ 0.257. The correlation equation can Describe the relationship between the adsorption operating conditions and the breakthrough curve, and provide a certain experimental basis for the application of this material.
Hu Guoqin, Wu Peipei, Xie Ganghai, Zhang Sujuan
Abstract: The reaction kinetics of sec-butyl disulfide synthesis by chlorinated secetane and sodium disulfide solution under the action of phase transfer catalyzed wattle was studied, and a kinetic model was established. The reaction belongs to the first-order reaction, and its apparent kinetic equation: rA=-dcA/dt=47 098.67exp(-5 153.99/T)cA, the performance activation energy is 42.85 kJ/mol, between the activation energy of the general chemical reaction 40~200 k J/mol, which belongs to the chemical reaction control process, and the proposed kinetic model is experimentally verified, which confirms the reliability of the model.
Zhang Jun.Jia Hong.Tianyang
Abstract: Based on the finite element analysis software Abaqus cohesion unit, a two-dimensional elastoplastic cohesion model subroutine was compiled by using a custom material (VUMAT) . Using the developed VUMAT subroutine of elastic-plastic cohesive force model to simulate the cracking of thin plate bonding structure, the simulation results are compared with those of the bilinear cohesion model and the polynomial cohesion model by using the VUMAT subroutine. The results show that the cohesion relation has a great influence on the tensile force of the adhesive structure during the cracking process, and the cohesive force model should be chosen for the adhesive structure of different colloids.
Xu Zhengtan Liu Xinxin
Abstract: Using municipal sludge as raw material, a new type of magnetic sludge activated carbon was prepared through zinc chloride activation-tube furnace pyrolysis, activated carbon/iron oxide co-precipitation and bonding extrusion molding, and through orthogonal experiments and BET, SEM, IR and magnetic intensity measurement were used to systematically study the preparation process of activated carbon, the microscopic morphology and properties of the products in each step. The results showed that: when the zinc chloride activator concentration was 3 mol/L, the pyrolysis temperature was 650 °C, Under the preparation conditions of pyrolysis time of 2 hours and liquid-solid ratio of 2:1, the iodine value of the obtained sludge activated carbon reached 334.6 mg/g, and the specific surface area of ​​activated carbon, magnetized activated carbon, and shaped magnetized activated carbon were all ≥300 m2/g. It can be easily separated by a magnet, and it is expected to have a good practical application prospect.
Chen Yajuan, Wang Qinting, is still in the Spring Festival.
Abstract: Apply the viscoelastic finite deformation theory to study the problem of hot cavitation of a noncompressible viscoelastic cylinder under a uniform temperature field. We discuss the cylindrical case and the pre-deposited cylinder case. The numerical results confirm that the bifurcation problem can be regarded as an ideal model for the growth of predeposited pore radius, and the dynamic change curve of micropore radius grows with time. The effects of the external temperature field, initial pore radius, material parameters and axial elongation on the growth law of micropore radius are discussed.
Li Yanyan1Li Zegao2Liu Kun3Zhang Yanping1
Abstract: Low-cycle repeated tests were carried out on four T-shaped concrete columns equipped with HRB500 steel bars, and the failure mode, bearing capacity, ductility, stiffness degradation, and hysteresis characteristics of the HRB500 steel bars and the matched high-strength concrete T-section special-shaped columns were analyzed. , energy dissipation capacity and other seismic performance indicators, the influence of hoop eigenvalues ​​and axial compression ratio on the seismic performance of T-section columns is discussed. The research shows that: T-section concrete special-shaped columns with HRB500 reinforcement work well with high-strength concrete , has a high load-bearing capacity, and its ductility and energy dissipation capacity and other seismic performance indicators are good, and can be used in special-shaped column structures in strong earthquake areas.
Liu Shizhong1Liu Yongjian2Cheng Gao2Wang Xu2Li Na2Zhao Mingwei3
Abstract: Aiming at the complexity of the analysis of vehicle-bridge coupled vibration response of highway bridges, combined with the principle of separation iteration method and vehicle dynamics theory, a numerical analysis method of vehicle-bridge coupled vibration response based on ANSYS is proposed. The vehicle model and bridge model are independently built in ANSYS software In the environment, use the constraint equation to realize the displacement coordination relationship between the wheel and the bridge deck contact point at any time (the force balance relationship is automatically satisfied), based on the ANSYS transient dynamics solution function, use APDL programming to realize the coupled dynamics of vehicles (traffic flow) passing the bridge The time-history response analysis was carried out, and a quantitative comparison was made with the results of relevant literature examples. The research results show that the accuracy of this method is relatively high. The response trend is basically the same; this method does not need iterative calculation at any load step, which avoids complex program design and greatly improves the analysis efficiency.
Zhou Yungang
Abstract: Based on the traditional calculation method of the finished state of suspension bridge and the finite element method, an iterative algorithm for determining the finished alignment of the main cable of multi-tower suspension bridge is proposed based on Ansys Finite Element Analysis. On this basis, the trial design of 3-6 tower suspension bridges is carried out, and the calculation results are compared with those of gravity stiffness theory. An example shows that the finished alignment and internal force of multi-tower suspension bridge can be obtained accurately by using this method. This method can be applied not only to the analysis of finished state of plane cable system, but also to the analysis of space cable system.
Cheng  zhanqi,Xia naikai
Abstract: The interface between steel fiber and concrete matrix has a great influence on the strengthening and toughening effect of steel fiber concrete (SFRC), so in order to investigate its microstructure characteristics, the relationship between SFRC microstructure and its macroscopic properties is discussed. Considering the circular steel fibers distributed in the infinite isotropic plane, the super-singular integral equation and complex function are used to establish the analysis model of stress, strain and displacement on the fiber, interface and matrix. The Galerkin integral method and Gauss-Seidel iterative method were used to obtain the equivalent parameters of steel fiber concrete with different volume rates and interfacial layer thickness under plane strain gauges, and the influence of steel fiber volume rate and interface layer thickness on the equivalent parameters of materials was discussed, and compared with the results obtained by macroscopic experiments under the same conditions, the results show that the model can accurately analyze the macroelastic parameters of steel fiber concrete.
Zhang Weidang Wang Jiaojiao Chen Zexian
Abstract: The block fading channel is a widely used channel model, which is close to the characteristics of the wireless communication system. The upper bound of the bit error rate of the turbo code in the block fading channel is deduced by using the uniform bound technology, and the calculation is carried out for different packet lengths and signal-to-noise ratios. Simulation results show that it has excellent performance under the condition of small packet length and high signal-to-noise ratio, and compares it with M&L bound and DS2 bound.
Fan Wenbing, Fan Chenglong, Li Haitao, Xing Junyang
Abstract: The OFDM/OQAM system has become an alternative to the traditional OFDM system because it does not need to insert a guard interval, has higher spectral efficiency, and can resist inter-symbol interference and inter-channel interference at the same time. Based on the new pilot sequence structure and Based on the system characteristics of OFDM/OQAM, the correlation between adjacent subcarriers of the system is analyzed, and a new channel estimation method based on the pilot sequence structure is proposed. By calculating the correlation coefficient of adjacent subcarriers, the interference and The influence of noise on channel estimation. The simulation results show that this pilot structure is beneficial to reduce the influence of noise on channel estimation, thereby improving the performance of the system.
Xu Min, Chen Quan, Zhang Jinwen, et al. 
Abstract: Expert system theory based on rule reasoning method, combined with the fault recording data, the protection device set data, protect the operation data information, according to the dispatching personnel and relay protection operation experts summarized the experience of various reasoning rules, the behavior of the regional power grid relay protection device analysis and evaluation. It not only includes the working principle of a complete set of line protection devices within the differential protection, alternate distance protection and grounding zero order direction protection, but also combined with the actual protection action. The VC + + interface design is used to form an analysis software system, which is applied to the regional power grid.
Hui Xiaowei; Jiang Han
Abstract: The UWB power splitter has been studied, and a broadband power splitter with a working frequency range of 3.75-9.5 GHZ has been developed. The power splitter is equipped with a pair of double-stepped impedance and two symmetrical output terminals of parallel coupling lines. Realized Broadening the frequency band of the power divider. This kind of power divider has only one isolation resistor, which reduces the influence of the isolation resistance on the isolation of the power divider. The simulation results show that the power divider can still meet good performance in such a wide frequency range. In the 3.75-9.5 GHZ frequency range, the isolation is below -10 dB, and the input and output ports are well matched. It realizes the miniaturization of UWB, improves the broadening of the frequency band, and reduces the difficulty of processing.
Li Xia1Zhang Zhixian2Zhang Sanchuan2Liu Jian3
Abstract: Design the bridge platform structure of the airport container/board lifting platform vehicle, conduct static analysis on the key stress-bearing parts of the bridge platform, the upper table and the scissor arm, and check their strength. Perform modal analysis when the bridge platform is at the highest position, Extract the calculation results. The first five natural frequencies of the bridge platform are concentrated in the low frequency stage of 3-17 Hz, and the mode shapes of each order are mainly manifested as the swing and twist of the upper platform and the scissor arm. The static and modal analysis results of the bridge platform are: The design of the platform provides a theoretical basis.
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