2012 volumne 33 Issue 06
Abstract: In order to recognize the orientation encoding mechanism in the primary visual cortex ( V1 ), a hy.brid encoding method integrating firing rates and the inter-spike-intervals of neurons in rats’primary visualcortex was proposed based on Bayesian estimation theory here. The gratings with different orientations wereused to stimulate the anesthetic lE rats, and their spike sequences were collected by the microelectrode array ,the firing rates and inter-spike-intervals were integrated to encode the orientation using Bayesian estimationtheory, And the results were compared with the encoding ones with firing rates simply. The results showed thatthe encoding precision of the hybrid method was higher than the precision of the firing rate method. It is alsoproved that inter-spike-intervals and the firing rates in rats’area V1 encode the orientation together.
SHANG Zhigang,FENG Pingyan,LIU Xin-yu,etc;
Abstract: Orientation tuning characteristic is one of the main features in neuron from primary visual cortex’Vl ). Most studies of orientation tuning characteristics in neuron are based on the spike rating, however,spikes are suseeptible to noise and often have some questions in the detection and sorting, such as false posi.tive , false negative and so on, which affected spikes analysis results. In this paper, neuron orientation tuningcharacteristics to raster based on gamma band power of local field potential ( LFP) are studied. We found thatgamma band power carries information about the visual stimulus, and has a strong correlation with orienta.tions. The test results of simulation and experiment show that the concordance rate of gamma power and spikepreferenced orientation reaches 67,4%6 , orientation tuning reaches 87.2% ; in the case of low signal-to-noiseratio ( SNR ) , robustness of LFP is stronger than spike. Therefore, LFP gamma band power is also an effectiveway to acquire V1 orientation tuning characteristics, especially in the low SNR, which has more advantagesthan spike in orientation tuning characteristics form Vl neuron.
LOU Jianan,LI Chuantao,CHANG Xiaolong,etc;
Abstract: EHW ( Evolvable Hardware) technique has the advantages of fault tolerant operation, self diagno-sis, adaptive and self repairing, so it has high application value in electronic automation design. Sequentiallogic circuit as a part of evolvable hardware has the problem of multiple states and the fitness function in theimplementation, and is not easy to build, In this paper, based on existing studies and traditional sequentialcireuit design method, we developed sequential logic circuit evalution model, and in the Xilinx FPGA Virtex-5 ( XC5 VL.X110T) established the Microblaze core running GA algorithm for the VRC confguration and evolu-tion. In the same model, by changing the GA program we also designed “1001" detectors, two, four, eightfrequeney divider, So it successfully demonstrated the validity and versatility of the model. The experimentwas in-depth analyzed the evolution performance with random seeds, and provided a reference for the further design.
ZHANG Zhen,SU Baina,YU Zhou
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel method based on LPP-SIFT ( Locality Preserving Projection-Scale Invariant F’eature ’Transform ) for image copy-forgery detection, First, some steps of SF’T algorithm are used toextract key points; second, LPP is used to obtain low-dimensional feature descriptors, and then key points canbe matched by the ratio of vector angel, If mass matching key points exist in a region, the region can bejudged to have undergone copy-forged operation, Experiments demonstrate that the method can effectively de.tect forged images and locate the forged area, and this method is robust to rotation, scaling, jPEG compressionand noise addition.
XIE Gang,LIN Maosong,DAI Yanhui
Abstract: In order to solve the key technical problem in the smart meter automatie detection system: automati.cally positioned the barcode region and identified the barcode information, this paper designed the Wiener fil.ter to image de-nosing, highlighted the barcode region with first derivative Sobel algorithm to achieve the pur.pose of the barcode area accurate segmentation. For the blurred image taken in real industrial environment.the image enhancement algorithm based on improved lifting wavelet multi-resolution was put forward. The experimental results show that this method is able to accurately loeate the barcode, and the enhanced imagemaintains the texture information of the barcode well, which provides reliable guarantee for the barcode identi.fication.
WANG Jie,ZHENG Guoliang
Abstract: The accuracy and synchronicity of time are the important performanee indicators of electronie po-lice, but there are still few corresponding detection methods. Aiming at the electronic police’s time calibrationproblem, standard clock was designed based on GPS and LabVlEW in this paper. The Interruption mode ofserial communication was introduced in to achieve the communication between GPS-OEM and PC, And theprogram was written in LabVlEW with the help of MSCOMM. It was so simple that the real time data receptionwas ensured. And then the precision of the clock was improved. Finally DataSocket was brought in to achievethe batch time calibration online. The actual test shows that the system has a strong practicability.
WANG Kun,ZHU Zuojian
Abstract: The robust asymptotic stability probiem and state feedback controller problem for a class of uncer.tain systems are considered in view of the fact that the system contains input delay, state delay and nonlinealperturbation. Based on matrix analysis theory and robust stability theory, a sufficient condition of robust as.ymptotic stability for the system is derived. And in this process, the proper integral form of Lyapunov functionwas chosen, the properties of the linear matrix inequality ( LMl) and Schur lemma were used . Moreover, acorresponding state feedback controller for the system was given to ensure the robust asymptotic stability ofsuch systems. Finally, the feasibility and efficiency of the suficient condition and controller were verifed bynumerical simulation , which was conducted through the LMI toolbox in MATLAB.
XU Min,YUAN Jianzhou,LIU Sixin
Abstract: In view of the parameter selection problems existing in the traditional support vector machine( SVM ) model in wind power prediction,this paper puts forward a new forecasting model: with modified parti.cle swarm optimization algorithm ( MPSO ) for the optimal parameters of the SVM model, the classical PSO isa global optimization algorithm. Based on it, the modified PSO( MPSO )is proposed. Results show that theSVM model optimized by the MPSO is effective in short-term wind power prediction, and the prediction preci.sion is improved.
WU Xiaoping,CHU Chengcheng,LI Yueguang
Abstract: The model of environmental impact assessment in construction phase of expressway on the basis ofgame theory was established in this paper, Water environment,atmospheric environment,sound environment,conservation of soil and water, publie satisfaction towards environment were used to establish the assessment in.dex system for the environmental impact assessment in construction phase of expressway, The analytic hierarchy process and entropy method were adopted to calculate the subjective and objective weight, respectivelyThen the aggregate model based on the game theory was adopted to calculate the comprehensive weight, whichtook both subjective and objective weight into account. The model of the environment impact assessment in con-slruction phase of freeway was established on the basis of assessment index system and comprehensive weightThe model was applied to assess the environment impact in Chen-Ning Expressway to prove its validity and re.liablity.
HAN Zengsheng,MA Songhua
Abstract: Energy-absorbing struclure is an important component to ensure that the metro train has a gooderashworthiness. In order to realize the optimization of the energy-absorbing structure , finite element analysissoftware ANSYS/lS-DYNA is used to simulate the crash performance of thin-wall structures of various thick.ness , cross-section. ’The results show that the performance of energy-absorbing component is closely related tocross section and thickness. The same conditions, absorption capability of energy-absorbing component is pro-portional to thickness , however ,interface force increases with the increase of thickness,therefore ,in the designof energy-absorbing component,it is necessary to consider it fully. Take the metro vehicle for example ,one met.ro vehicle equipped with the energy absorption component is put up to simulate the collision procedure ,and thedeformation of the energy-absorbing component and the collision energy-time course are obtained,the resultsshow that this energy-absorbing component has good energy absorption performance.
SHEN Jianjun,FENG Zhongxu,YANG Jianhui
Abstract: Abstract: When automobile is slowing and sliding, a large part of energy is consumed in engine braking re.sistance. In order to reduce this part of energy consumption,the way of saving fuel on engine light load wasput forward , which included the design of the working mechanism and control system, When automobile is slo.wing and sliding in gear, the above way can stop the injection of engine and force exhaust valve to open for re-leasing pressure, which finally makes full use of automobile inertia energy to make car’s sliding distance grea.ter and further save energy as well as reduce the emission, Through the experiments on the distanee of automo.bile sliding, it is well known that, at the same time, the distance of car sliding in condition of engine lightload is almost the same as the distance of car sliding normally in gear. Meanwhile, the engine’s stopping in-jection leads to a 7.296 fuel consumption reduetion. So the way of saving fuel on engine light load is proved tobe feasible.
HU Qiguo,QIAN Kai,LI Like,etc;
Abstract: In order to research the light agricultural vehicle ride under the stimulation of the road, We estab-lished a non-stationary road excitation model and half of the vehicle which have 5-DOF vibration model. TheMargenau-Hill time-frequency analysis tools was used to study the non-stationary excitation of the vehicles ofthe front and rear wheels roughness. and the results showed that non-stationary road stimulation have low-frequency and wave characteristics. Finally, based on the method of Lagrange, we established a dynamics equa-tion modeling of vibration, using matlab/simulink and set up 5-DOF vibration simulation model and obtain aresult, under the excitation of the road, to reduce the seat and rear suspension stiffness and to increase theseat and rear suspension damper can improve the driver’s sense of comfort.
LI Feng,HUANG Songchang,SHI Xiaopei
Abstract: In order to describe the constitutive stress-strain relationship of hot-poured biluminous crack sealants at low service temperatures, the mechanical behavior of extension-relaxation process was analyzed by Boltzmann superposition principle based on standard linear model, The extension-relaxation equations of sealantswere deduced. ’The constant strain extension and stress relaxation tests of six sealants were conducted with thebond test of AST’M D5329. Three strains were 2. 25 mm, 3. 75 mm and 6.90 mm respectively. Standard linearsolid model was used to characterize the test results, and the fitting equations of extension and relaxation weredeveloped. The equations displayed agreement with the test results very well both in the extension and relaxation process. It tured out that the mechanical behavior of hot-poured sealants can be accurately described bystandard linear solid model, and the fitting accuracy of the model is higher when the strain is smaller.
GAO Xiaoni,HE Shuanhai,SONG Yifan
Abstract: According to the deficiency of numerical simulation analysis on segment selection in existing suspender anchorage zone and the characteristie of suspender anchorage zone structure in existing cable-stayedand self-anchored suspension combination bridge, 8 shell element models analysis of two anchorage zone struc-tures about four diffident anchor segment length were established. Stress distribution, displacement and buck.ling behavior of anchorage zone on the 8 models were compared. The comparison shows that, when the sameanchorage structure form is adopted, the influences of anchor segment length on the stress distribution of an.chorage zone are large ; the variation of overall dellection in the anchorage zone tends to be stable with the segment length increase; the segment length section have significant elfect on buckling behavior of anchor strucNo matter what kind of anchor construction set is adopted, the selection length of anchor segment is attire.least 2 times height of girder away from anchorage zone in order to reflect mechanical characteristics of anchorstructure. The results can be used as a reference for numerical simulation and model tests of anchor structure.
LIU Guangbo,ZHOU Xingde,SHI Xing-xing,etc;
Abstract: In this paper,a continuous beam model of Vehicle-Bridge Coupled System ( VBCS) is built and thevibration control of VBCS is studied with Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers ( MTMD). In combination with the a-nalysis impact of modal number on simulating calculation, this paper gives the considered modal number insimulating calculation, and greatly reduces the calculation effort on the basis of ensuring the accuracy of calculation. Considering the weak torsion stiffness of the present new high-speed railway bridge, this paper analysesthe torsion vibration effect of the high-speed railway bridge. And the results show that the torsion vibration hasa great impact on the bridge under the high-speed train loads. Finally, the MTMD) arrangement and parameterdesign have been improved.
WANG Dongcheng,PAN Xiao
Abstract: A SUV multibody simulation model using ADAMS sotware is established, including front suspen.sion ,rear suspension and tire model detailedly. The vehicle under-steer performance is simulated and oppot.imized under different diameter stabilizer bar. By comparing the simulation result with the experiment, it isfound that the trends are in good agreement, the result can be used as the suspension adjustment theory basisand can guide the design of the kind of rear suapension system.
XlA Maohui,ZHA0 Yufeng,LV Peng,etc;
Abstract: This paper presents an improved moving least-square ( IMIS) approximation in which the orthogonal function system with a weight function being used as the basis function. The lMLS approximation has agreater computational efficiency and precision than the existing moving least-squares ( MLS) approximation,and does not lead to an ill-conditioned system of equations. By combining the element-free Galerkin ( EFG )method and the IMLS approximation, an improved element-free Galerkin ( IEFG) method for heat conductionis derived. There are two numerical examples that in rectangular and circular domain solved using the lEFGmethod and that demonstrates the method has a greater computational efficiency and precision, and it is simpleand effective
ZHAO Guosheng,SUN Keqin,YAO Ke
Abstract: In order to overcome the defects of the magnetic valve type controllable reactor such as more wind.ing turns and higher copper loss currently, a novel magnetic controllable reactor is proposed in this paper. Thecircuit topology structure of the reacor and the selection principle of the magnetic valve size are given, Theeurrent harmonie analysis of the proposed magnetic controllable reactor is made, a MATLAB simulation modelof the magnetic controllable reactor is established, and some simulation results are given in the paper, Finally.the circuit structure that realized statie reactive power compensation are discussed.
LU Wenhong,WANG Jiaxu,ZHOU Guangwu
Abstract: In full view of the elastie deformation of rubber of water-lubricated rubber bearings and the geomet-.ric construction with multi-curve and multi-vertical grooves , the author employs finite element analysis software“ ANSYS CFX" to do numerical simulation of three dimensional EHL for water-lubricated rubber bearings withgrooves, researching the variation of water film pressure distribution, waterfilm thickness distribution, carryingcapacity and frictional factor under different eceentricity and totate speeds, The results show that the elasticdeformation of rubber and the geometrie construction with multi-curve and multi-vertical grooves can have signifcant influence on the lubricating property of the bearing.
LIU Kaichang,WU Yunjie
Abstract: In this paper, kinetics and the direction of the power flow for closed planetary bevel-type CV’T areperformed. The relationship between partition coefficient of power and power flow in closed system is studiedby analyzing closed planetary bevel-type CV’T, the expressions between power partition coefficient and the bas.ic speed ratios are established, the necessary conditions with no recireulation of power for closed planetarybevel-type CV’T are determined. Sixteen possible interconnections of parallel planetary gear train and planetarbevel-type CV’T are obtained, An effective compact analysis processing method for design of closed planetarybevel-type CVT with no recirculation of power is given.
YUAN Feng,DING Zexin,ZHU Jun
Abstract: According to the actual demands of design for feeding device of transmission piece in the automaticassembly system of saw chain, the design conflicts are described based on TRIZ. Then the design technicalconflicts and physical conflicts are studied in order to find out corresponding TRIZ conflict matrix and solutionprinciples. As a result, several feasible directions for the innovative design are worked out, by which the con-flicts among " reliability" , " productivity" and " the weight of movement objects" and the problem of institu-tions" fast and slow of movement speed " are solved. Finally, a specific solution for feeding device of transmis-sion piece is identified, which will shorten the whole system’s research and development time. The feasibilityof the scheme is proved by the successful trial of its physical prototype.
ZHANG Yadong,HAN Changkai,CUI Ke
Abstract: Using macroporous polystyrene divinylbenzene cross-linked resin( PS ) grafted metal halide as catalyst and using CO, with cyclohexene oxide as materials have successfully synthesized cyclohexene carbonates inthe condition of quaternary ammonium salt and solvent-free. The factors infuencing the reaction were studied,such as dose of catalysts, reaction pressure, reaction temperalure, reaction time as well as revolving speed.The results show that the yield of cyclohexene carbonates could reached 96% under the following conditions,using quaternary ammonium salt as co-catalysts, 120 ℃, initial pressure of 4.5 MPa, revolving speed of 300r/min, 6 h. The aclivity of the catalyst had not decreased obviously after being used for $ times, so PS graftedmetal halide has good catalytie activity.
ZHAO Tianzeng,ZHANG Haiyan,DONG Jianjun
Abstract: Angulatin B , which is a sesquiterpene polyol ester , was studied using the NMR data analysis methodand was detected through 1D (1H , 13C NMR and DEPT) and 2D NMR (1H _ 1H COSY,HSQC, and HMBC)techniques . The results show that the 1H and 13C NMR spectra are completely analyzed and assigned and itsstructure in the literature is corrected by HMBC technique. This research provided NMR data analysis methodand evidences for the identification of sesquiterpene polyol esters.
CAO Junyan,GE Qingping,LI Jiaojiao
Abstract: A method was presented for the simultaneous determination of 3 , 6-dichloropicolinic acid ( 3 , 6.DCP) and 3,4,5,6-tetrachloropicolinic acid(3,4,5,6-TCP) in the electrochemieal synthesis reaction liquidby high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC). The analysis was perfored on a Hypersi C18 columnwith a mixture of V( acetonitrile) : V( volume fraction of 19 acetic acid aqueous solution) = 15 :85 as the mo-bile phase at a flow rate of 1.0ml/min, The samples were detected at 280 nm with an UV detector and thecolumn temperature was 25℃, lt was found that 3 ,6-DCP and 3,4,5,6-TCP could be well separated underthe chromatographic conditions. The maximum relative standard deviations were 0. 58% and 0. 40%6 and thedetection limits were 2.01 x 10~’g/L and 5.09 x 10-’g/L for 3 ,6-DCP and 3 ,4,$ ,6-TCP. The recoveries forthem were 99.88%~100.5%and 99.89%~100.1%,respectively.
GONG Feilong,ZHANG Yonghui,XIAO Yuanhua,etc;
Abstract: Porous ZnO nanosheets were synthesized on a large scale by calcination of two dimension sheet-likeprecursors prepared through a very simple solvothermal procedure. The morphology,structure and compositionof the as-synthesized samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction ( XRD ) ,field emission scanningelectron microscopy ( FESEM) and transmission electron microscope( TEM ) respectively. It was found that thesample is single crystal, The chemical sensors made with porous ZnO nanosheets exhibit high sensitivity andselectivity for detecting acetone. The porous ZnO nanosheets are excellent candidate for acetone sensors.
YAN Fuyou,GAO Wei,ZHOU Tonghe
Abstract: In a foundation pit engineering project in Zhengzhou, we monitored the axial force of soil nail andanchor by distributed optical fiber sensor, according to measured date ,and the role of the change of axial forceis discussed. The computation models for two compound soil nail supporting systems are established usingFL.AC3 D, and a construction process simulation of foundation excavating and support is conducted. Throughcomparative analysis of two models, the role of the micro-pile in the compound support structure can bedrawn, lastly, the simulation results were compared with the measured results, The results show that thiscompound supporting structure can give full play to the role of anchorage. Micro-pile can effectively control thestability and deformation of foundation ,and it can improve the stress status of soil nail and anchor force. Mean.while, the largest horizontal displacement of the foundation pit wall almost coincides with the most positivebending moment of micro-piles and maximum in the negative moment approximately coincides with slope feet offoundation pit side wall.
GUO Pinggong,TONG Liping
Abstract: The fuzzy random reliability of earth-sheltered dwelling is researched in order to analyse the influence of loess mechanical parameters. Based on a cut sets , the fuzzy loess mechanical parameters are distributed in regions, and fuzzy random reliability problem is converted into random reliability problem. Due tostrength reduction method, relation between cohesive force, internal friction angle and excess safety factor isestablished, which is expressed by quadratie polynomial without cross terms and represents the performancefunetion of earth-sheltered dwelling. So the random reliability problem can be solved. The fuzzy random relia.bility research of earth-sheltered dwelling in Shan city, Henan province shows that, the reliability of earth.sheltered dwelling in this area is high, site selection is reasonable before construct, fuzzy random reliability in.dex is distributed in a region, checking point is constant, fuzzy random reliability index decreases sharply withcoefficient of variability increasing, and the influence of cohesive force on reliability index is higher than inter.nal friction angle.
YANG Weizhong,CAO Wenwen,WANG Qian
Abstract: An experimental study of the axial compression constitutive behavior of brick masonry with fly ashhas been performed using, prism specimens subjected to axial compression, Loading through a testing machineunder the force control with added stifiness elements is used to get the complete stress-strain curve, The maintest results including failure modes, strength and curves of stress-strain are given and discussed. Its compres.sion constitutive behavior is similar to that of brick masonry, It is found that the predictive results of stress-strain agree well with experiments based on existing meso-damage constitutive relation.
Peng Zhenyu
Abstract: The temperature of asphalt pavement rises rapidly in the strong sunlight. It will cause troubles tothe thermal stability of the pavement, Heat pipe is a kind of ideal apparatus to transfer heat and maintain uni.form temperature distribution, and it will effectively reduce the rising speed of asphalt pavement temperature.Three-dimensional models of asphalt concrete are established based on numerical simulation method, and conditions of with and without heat pipe are considered, The temperature to time response characteristies at differ.ent depths of the concrete are studied, when the surface of the conerete is conducted in heating or cooling.The calculation results show that, the temperature of conerete surface is reduced distinctly by the heat pipe inthe heating process, ’The maximal temperature decrease is 9℃ . Counteracted by the heat pipe, heat is difficultto be conducted to deep region beneath the heat pipe. The cooling speed of concrete surface is accelerated byheat pipe in the cooling process , and the temperature distribution around heat pipe is more uniform than that ofother regions. It is helpful to reduce internal stress and maintain structure stability for the pavement.
JIA Cheng,CHEN Huihui
Abstract: A new triangle element, combining meshfree and finite element methods, is developed based on par.tition of unity , using the polynomial basis functions for the local approximation and the shape functions of classi.cal linear triangle element for partition of unity funetions, This triangle element synthesizes the strengths of themeshfree and finite element methods, whose shape function can be understood as composite function of the twomethods and has Kronecker delta property so as to implement displacement conditions directly like finite elementmethods. The element is applied to free vibration and forced vibration analysis of two-dimensional solids. Nu.merical results show that the present triangle element does not have spurious zero-energy modes and its resultsare more accurate than that of classical linear triangle element and classical isoparametric quadrilateral element.
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