2008 volumne 29卷 Issue 01

LIU Minshan; ZHANG Lina; Dong Qiwu

The multiple reference frame method (MRF) and standard k-ε model were used to simulate the stirring characteristics in the 45° folding blade turbine stirring tank widely used in industry, and the response of different monitoring points to the mixing effect was investigated, and obvious differences were found in the response of different monitoring points. The simulation study of the stirring flow pattern in the tank and the distribution and power consumption of the velocity vector when the distance from the bottom of the mixing paddle is changed, and the results show that when the C/T is 0.278, the flow pattern in the tank changes. When the flow pattern is changed, the power consumption of the impeller reaches a minimum.
Wang Dingping; Jiang Fengzhang; Yang Liyun; etc
Abstract: The CFD software FLUENT was used to simulate the three-dimensional air flow between the plates of the honeycomb panel heat transfer element. The heat transfer and resistance characteristics of honeycomb plate heat transfer element with center spacing of 19 mm under different mass flow conditions are calculated and analyzed, and the heat transfer and resistance characteristics of the honeycomb plate with a center spacing of 300 mm are calculated and analyzed, and the heat transfer and resistance characteristics are given at <>
Chen (亻宜) 俍; ZHANG Guangrui; FAN Junlin; etc
Abstract: In order to study the effect of the pore structure of the catalyst on the FT synthesis products, iron-based catalysts with layered clay structure, L-zeolite-supported iron catalysts and silica-gel supported iron catalysts were prepared. These three catalysts were characterized by specific surface area determination and XRD, respectively. Under the conditions of FT synthesis of 3.0 MPa, 5 °C, syngas H270∶CO=2∶ 2 and syngas flow rate of 1.34 SCCM, the liquid phase product was collected, the components in the product were analyzed, and the carbon number distribution of the product was obtained, and the carbon number distribution of the FT synthesis product of the catalyst was very close to that of 5# diesel.
Wei Guo; Student Wang; Meng Xiangrui; etc

The research progress of sintered zeolite molecular sieve is briefly described, a new preparation process of sintered zeolite molecular sieve is developed, and the refrigeration tube of sintered zeolite molecular sieve adsorption unit is developed. The adsorption performance and heat transfer performance of four sintered zeolite zeolite were experimentally studied, and it was found that compared with ordinary zeolite powder, the adsorption rate of sintered zeolite decreased by only 4.1%~66.4%, and its adsorption performance was slightly reduced. The thermal conductivity increases significantly, 27~6 times. The results show that the sintering process of zeolite molecular sieve is feasible, and the sintering process of sintered zeolite molecular sieve has little effect on its adsorption performance, but its thermal conductivity is greatly improved.
Yan Shuibao; ZHENG Lijun; Zhang Yingshuai; etc

A quasi-linear mathematical model of thermal process objects is proposed, the relationship between PID controller parameters and thermal object model parameters under variable working conditions is derived, and a new PID parameter adjustment algorithm is established. The gain function can be obtained according to the theoretical analysis of the thermal process or the statistical analysis of the steady-state working condition data, and the relationship between the differential time function and the integral time function can be determined according to the principle of non-oscillation inside the controller, which can reduce the PID online adjustment parameters from 3 to 1, simplifying the field tuning algorithm. Aiming at the boiler main steam temperature control object, an online PID parameter adjustment algorithm based on dynamic overshoot is proposed, which can improve the quality of boiler main steam temperature control, and is verified by example.
ZHAO Jianhong; LI Lei; Wu Hongqi; etc

Using high performance liquid chromatography, UV detector (detection wavelength 254 nm), at C18 (150 mm × 4.6 mm i.d.) On the column, the DPPA synthesized by phase transfer catalysis using V(methanol)∶V(water)=70∶ 30 as mobile phase was used as mobile phase. The results showed that the relative standard deviation of the method was 0.3%, the average recovery was 99.60%, and the linear correlation coefficient was 0.999 9.
Xu Xiuqiang; ZHENG Dewen; Cao Zubin; etc
Abstract: The water washing separation of Xinjiang asphalt sands was carried out by YSFL series oil sands water washing separating agent, and the effects of water detergent mass fraction, heating temperature, heating time, agent sand ratio on oil sands separation were comprehensively investigated, and the water washing and separation effect of YSFL series water washing separation agent formula on oil sands bitumen was compared. The experimental results show that YSFL-5 oil sands separator can achieve good separation between asphalt and quartz sand in oil sands bitumen under the conditions of suitable water washing separator mass fraction (90%), suitable heating temperature (20 °C), appropriate heating time (2 min) and mass ratio of agent sand (1∶ 3), and the oil sand oil yield can reach more than 94%. The separated water-based reagents can be recycled and have no pollution to the environment.

FAN Bingbing; HOU Tiecui; Liu Ruiyu; etc

SiC/Cu coated composite powder was prepared by heterogeneous precipitation, and SiC/Cu composites were prepared by hot pressing and sintering. Si3N4 ball was used as the friction pair, and the wear test was carried out at 400 °C. XRD and SEM were used to analyze the interface phase, morphology and crack propagation changes of materials before and after wear. The results show that under these experimental conditions, the phase of the SiC/Cu interface changes with the wear, the Cu2O content is greatly increased, and CuO appears. With the increase of cyclic load, cracks are generated inside the composite, and the crack propagation is carried out along the SiC/Cu interface. The presence of SiC particles deflects the internal cracks of the composite, which is conducive to improving the wear resistance of the material.

WANG Yu; Mu Zhichun; Feng Yun

Human ear recognition is a biometric recognition technology that has emerged in recent years, but the pose problem has always been one of its difficult problems, and a new method based on base-space transformation is proposed to solve this problem. Firstly, the base space of the pose human ear image and the positive side human ear image is obtained by using the principal element analysis and nuclear principal element analysis methods, and the pose conversion matrix is obtained by calculating the linear conversion relationship between the two base spaces, and then the pose human ear image feature set to be measured is transformed into the positive side human ear image feature set by using the base space pose conversion matrix, and finally the support vector machine is used for classification and recognition. Experimental results show that the recognition rate of this method is significantly improved compared with the method without attitude transformation.

ZHANG Kun; Ge Lei; Wang Chunxin; etc

Based on the systematic analysis of information security risk elements, a fuzzy influence diagram algorithm is introduced to solve the problem that the probability of threats in the assessment process and the value of information assets are difficult to quantify. According to the qualitative analysis, the information security risk impact map is drawn, and the fuzzy impact map evaluation algorithm is used to calculate the probability of information security risk, and the information security risk assessment conclusion is obtained. The conclusion shows that the key to applying fuzzy influence diagram to evaluate information security risk is to determine the fuzzy relationship between node status and frequency and between nodes, which is a simple and practical evaluation algorithm combining qualitative and quantitative, which provides a new idea for information security risk assessment.
HOU Shiwang; Tong Shurong

Aiming at the classification of product quality by the dichotomy of traditional counting control charts, which is inconsistent with the gradual rather than abrupt process of product quality, and it is difficult to meet the situation of fine control of process and product quality, it is proposed that the expert group should subjectively score the product quality, analyze the fuzzy results statistically, form a collective view of product quality in the form of fuzzy numbers, and draw the control chart with this fuzzy number, and use the two methods of possibility measure and necessity measure to monitor the process center trend and ambiguity. In this way, the control status of the process is judged and the process with fuzzy quality characteristics is monitored.

Sheng Liyuan; LIU Nian; Cao Liling
With the development of chaos theory applied to generate pseudo-random sequences, a pseudo-random sequence generator based on TD-ERCS chaos is implemented with field programmable logic gate arrays. In order to facilitate hardware implementation and reduce hardware resources, the original algorithm (that is, the algorithm for constructing pseudo-random sequence generators based on TD-ERCS) was appropriately improved, and the key space was reduced to 2160. The hardware circuit of the system occupies 1 logic cells, accounting for 20% of chip resources, operating at 400 MHz and generating 17716 Mbps in CPRS.

LIU Xiongfei; Ma Jianzhao; Sheng Liyuan
A two-dimensional discrete cosine transformation module suitable for JPEG image compression system is designed, and a one-dimensional cosine discrete transformation unit is first designed by using the method of row-column separation, which adopts the improved symbolic distributed algorithm structure proposed by the author, which can significantly improve the throughput rate in hardware implementation. Then, the unit is multiplexed to complete the FPGA design of two-dimensional discrete cosine transform. After the EPF10K100EQC208-1 of the selected device is synthesized, it is shown that the maximum frequency of the one-dimensional cosine discrete conversion unit can reach 104.17 MHz, which meets the high throughput requirements of JPEG image compression system.

Ao Tianyong; Xiang Bing
A novel Michelson interferometer fringe counter that can automatically adapt to different background light intensities is designed. The photodiode is used to convert the change of fringes into electrical signals and differential amplification with the output of the numerical control voltage divider circuit, and after being shaped by Schmitt trigger, it is sent to the single-chip microcomputer for counting and display. Experiments show that this counter can adapt to different background light intensity and light source light intensity, and has the advantages of high accuracy, easy operation and strong adaptability.

Ma Lin; LIU Jianxin; Han Wanshui
Based on the wind parameters measured in the wind tunnel test, the wind field of Hangzhou Bay Bridge was simulated by improved harmonic synthesis method. The wind parameters involved in wind field simulation mainly include pulsating wind spectrum and spatial correlation function, and the wind field parameters in the wind tunnel are measured and combined and applied to the wind field simulation. The harmonic synthesis method to simulate the wind field of long-span bridges takes too long and is inconvenient to apply, and the improvement of harmonic synthesis method by Lagrange interpolation method can greatly improve the wind field simulation efficiency, and the wind field simulation flow chart based on the improved harmonic synthesis method and the corresponding program Improved-WAWS are compiled, which provides a practical method for wind field simulation of long-span bridges. The experimental results show that there is a certain difference in the attenuation factor λ at different spacing D, and the attenuation factor increases with the increase of wind speed U. The power spectrum, mutual power spectrum, correlation function and cross-correlation function of the wind speed sample time history simulated by the improved harmonic synthesis method are in good agreement with the corresponding target values.

LI Jie; Li Na
The self-vibration characteristic analysis of suspension bridge is the basis for studying the wind, seismic and other dynamic effects of suspension bridge. Considering the bending effect of the stiffener beam, taking into account the influence of the inclination angle and longitudinal displacement of the large cable, based on the functional analysis of incomplete generalized potential energy of large displacement, the differential equation of free vibration of the stiffener beam of the two-tower three-span continuous self-anchored suspension bridge is derived by using the variational principle, and the longitudinal and vertical frequency calculation formulas of the self-anchored suspension bridge are obtained according to the simplified differential equation, and finally the formula is basically reasonable through two examples.

GUO Yuancheng; Yang Wen; Zhou Tonghe
Using the finite element method, a three-dimensional model of cement-soil arch support structure considering the joint action of structure and soil is established, and the structure is numerically simulated and calculated. The analysis of the calculation results shows that the earth pressure behind the wall is between the static earth pressure and the Rankine earth pressure, and is distributed in a triangle along the vertical direction, between horizontal and radial uniform distribution along the horizontal direction, the earth pressure will be distributed along the horizontal and vertical directions after the support structure, the maximum load ratio shared by the horizontal arch is between 60%~70%, the cement soil arch is basically in the full-section compression state, the force mode of the arch foot pile above the excavation surface is similar to that of the cantilever pile, and the maximum bending moment of the whole length is at the excavation surface position.


Ju Hongchang; Leslie Chan; Xia Xiaozhou
In order to predict the effective elastic properties of granular reinforced composites with interfacial debonding, a spherical particle composite model with defective interface was established by Eshelby micromechanical theory and Dvorak transformation field analysis (TFA), and the effective tangential modulus and total secant modulus of three-phase granular composites were given. Based on the Weibull probability function, a damage model is established to describe the evolution of the weakened interface between particles and substrates. Using the verification of literature experimental data, reasonable model parameters were selected, and the numerical test results were compared with the experimental results to prove the rationality of the micromechanical elastic damage model.

Wei Lang; Yuan Wangfang; Chen Tao
Aiming at the difficulty of designing effective safety facilities before the road is completed, relying on the construction drawings and on-site investigation data of the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains of the West Han Expressway under construction, the driver speed control mode simulation calculation system software is used to predict and study the running speed of the road section, and at the same time, the safety evaluation of the traffic engineering facilities, lighting and other systems of roads, tunnels and bridges is carried out on the basis of virtual simulation, so as to find the driving safety problems in the design process of the West Han Expressway. The Xihan Expressway active safety control system scheme including active speed control facilities and supporting signs was designed. Then, virtual reality technology is used to virtually model the highway safety engineering facilities, and applied to the virtual highway model, and the feasibility of the highway safety engineering scheme is evaluated through virtual experiments, and then the design scheme is applied to road construction to improve the operational safety of the road.

ZHAO Wei; Wei Lang; Zhang (Wei Hua).
When the car overtakes during high-speed driving, it is prone to side collision under the parallel working conditions of the two vehicles. It is proposed to use active steering technology to control parallel vehicles according to the change of lateral distance between the two vehicles when overtaking, so that the lateral distance of the two vehicles meets the safety requirements, avoids traffic accidents caused by the change of lateral spacing between the two vehicles, and reduces the possibility of lateral collision when the car overtakes. The corresponding control objectives and control strategies are established, the fuzzy control model based on vehicle spacing and its change rate is established, the fuzzy controller is designed and the simulation test under complex working conditions is carried out. The results show that the active steering fuzzy control technology can reduce the risk of side collision between the two vehicles when overtaking at high speed, so that the car has better safety during high-speed driving.


WANG Li; Zuo Qiting; Lin Ping
The evaluation of resource-saving society is an important basis for the rational development and utilization of resources, but the evaluation of resource-saving society is complex and cumbersome, and there is no universal evaluation system. In view of this situation, according to the basic tasks and actual work needs of resource-saving social evaluation, and making full use of computer technology, the function, structure and key implementation technologies of resource-saving social evaluation system were studied and discussed. The evaluation system is applied to the comparative evaluation of the level of resource-saving social development in provincial administrative regions across the country. The results show that the application of the evaluation system is accurate and convenient, which has certain reference significance for the structure and construction ideas of the system.

Zhang Guochao; Yang Rennong
In the embedded satellite map system with limited resources, the linear quadtree is used to encode the satellite map hierarchically and blocked, optimize the map data access mode, reduce the loading redundancy of memory data, and realize the rapid display of map. Through WindML dual cache technology, map redraw jitter is eliminated under VxWorks real-time operating system to smooth image output. The results of the program operation show that the method has obvious effect on improving the response speed of the terminal and optimizing the image output.

Pi Suping; Zhou Zhenhong
Multi-language hybrid programming is mainly a program written in one language to call a routine written in another language, and the data used is mainly passed through routine parameters, which rarely reflects the object-oriented programming idea. It is proposed to use the newly introduced modules of Fortran 90 to realize a new hybrid programming model of Fortran and C/C++ object-oriented. The example results show that C/C++ has direct access to data and routines in the Fortran module; Its own data and functions can also be encapsulated in a module for access by Fortran program units referencing the module.

MA Hongfang; Chen Xiufeng
The nitrogen removal effect of aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR) and batch membrane bioreactor in the treatment of domestic wastewater was compared. The results show that when the COD value, nitrogen load and COD/TN value of the influent water change greatly, the batch MBR can obtain a high nitrogen removal effect by flexibly changing the operating conditions, and show good shock load resistance. In terms of TN removal, batch MBR was significantly better than aerobic MBR, with average removal rates of 63.9% and 15.34%, respectively. In terms of NH3-N removal, the average removal rate of batch MBR was 87.4%, while aerobic MBR required the addition of alkaline substances to obtain a high removal effect, with an average removal rate of 78.7%.

LI Yifang; Cheng Wanli; Liu Jian Hall
Aiming at the outlier phenomenon in the prediction of artificial neural network, the prediction interval obtained by the regression analysis model is used to control the outlier phenomenon. Moreover, applied to the water quality prediction of the Sanmenxia section of the Yellow River, the average accuracy of the network model for ammonia nitrogen flux prediction before control was only 50.05%, because the predicted value in June 2006 deviated too much from the real value, and the relative error of the prediction reached 6.214%, which exceeded the regression prediction interval, thus affecting the overall accuracy. After control, the relative accuracy of the month was 88.90%, and the average accuracy reached 08.80%, and the overall prediction accuracy was significantly improved. Practice shows that this method is more effective for eliminating outliers in network model prediction.

Yang Haiming; Miya Quanmei; Zhou Shunhua
Old road widening projects often involve the problem of combining new and old roadbed. Combined with the Hefei railway hub renovation project, the influence of subgrade height, splicing step section size, new subgrade slope rate and other factors on the safe operation and subgrade stability of new and old routes was studied by centrifugal model experiment, and the new and old subgrade splicing technologies suitable for expanding land areas were proposed, including design methods, construction processes, control standards, etc. It will provide theoretical support and demonstration reference for similar reconstruction and expansion projects, which has great guiding significance and application value for the construction of railway reconstruction and expansion projects.

DING Zhan; Li Peilong; tall florets; etc
In order to realize the regenerative prepared from waste rubber as raw material for the recycling of waste asphalt mixture, the recycling test of aged asphalt and waste asphalt mixture recovered from pavement extraction was carried out, and the feasibility of using waste rubber for asphalt mixture regeneration was discussed through the recovery of the performance of aged asphalt and mixture, and the mechanism of action was analyzed. The results show that the recycler prepared by microwave treatment of waste rubber has a modifying effect on the aging asphalt, which can effectively restore its rheological properties, and the penetration degree, softening point, ductility and low-temperature stiffness of the recycled asphalt with the addition of recycler amount of about 10% are close to the matrix asphalt index. The high and low temperature performance, water stability and anti-aging performance of recycled asphalt mixture can meet the technical requirements of asphalt pavement.

Li Peilong; ZHANG Zhengqi; Wang Binggang; etc
The anti-aging performance of asphalt materials is the key influencing factor of asphalt pavement durability, and indoor simulated aging test is an important method to study the anti-aging performance of asphalt. In order to compare the aging effects of different test methods, the aging tests of time-delayed rotary film oven aging (RTFOT), pressure aging (PAV) and self-designed 5 °C oven aging tests were carried out on five kinds of asphalt, and the recycled asphalt indexes of natural aging pavement were compared and analyzed. The results show that there is a good correspondence and equivalence between the aging effects of the above three aging test methods, and they can better reflect the long-term aging behavior of the actual pavement asphalt. Although the aging temperature and oxygen concentration of different methods are different, the aging mechanism is oxidation reaction, and there is no essential difference, and it is believed that RTFOT aging test can be used as a test method to simulate long-term aging of asphalt.

Through a large number of indoor tests, the preparation principle of rapid repair materials is analyzed in detail, the design method and steps of the mix ratio of rapid repair materials are proposed, and the rapid repair materials that can meet the requirements of looseness and compaction at the same time are prepared. The results show that in order to prepare a reasonable rapid repair material, it is necessary to select the appropriate ore gradation and mineral powder content, minimize the amount of diesel fuel in the asphalt liquid, and appropriately increase the content of SBS in the rapid repair material.

ZHOU Qinghua; Sha Aimin; Yang Qin
Indoor and field test studies were carried out on the mechanical properties of high-modulus asphalt concrete (HMAC) with special admixture PR Module. The test results show that the external admixture increases the rebound modulus value of asphalt concrete material by 45% and the dynamic modulus by more than 77%, while the test results of the on-site drop weight deflection meter (FWD) show that the comprehensive modulus of high-modulus asphalt concrete pavement is higher than that of SBS modified asphalt pavement, and the external admixture is a good choice to improve the overall bearing capacity of the pavement structure.

Yang Weichao; PENG Limin; HUANG Juan; etc
According to the spatiotemporal effect of tunnel construction deformation, a tunnel deformation prediction method based on summation type autoregressive sliding average ARIMA (p, d, q) calculation model is proposed. Differential operation is used to stabilize the on-site monitoring data, the computational model is determined by the analysis of self-and partial autocorrelation functions, the order of the model is determined by the AIC criterion, and finally the model parameters are estimated by the least squares method. The engineering application shows that the average relative error between the forecast value and the actual settlement amount of the nonstationary time series analysis method is 8.28%, and the maximum absolute error is 0.45 mm, which shows that it is feasible to use the nonstationary time series analysis method to make short-term prediction and real-time monitoring of tunnel construction deformation.

JIANG Wenquan; ZHANG Yunliang; EY Lin
In order to study the influence of bias caused by surface inclination on the stress and deformation characteristics of the tunnel, relying on the Sanqingkou tunnel engineering example, based on the plane strain problem, a total of 0 working conditions with surface inclination angles of 5°, 45°、......、10° were numerically simulated. The results show that when the surface inclination angle is less than 35°, the changes of the tunnel vault settlement, perimeter convergence, lining bending moment and lining axial force are small, while when the surface inclination angle is greater than 35°, the values increase sharply. Under the case of bias, the sensitive parts of the tunnel are the left wall foot, left wall, left arch foot, right arch foot, and when the inclination angle is greater than 35°, the bending moment of the left arch foot appears inverted (the inner side is compressed, becoming the inner side is pulled).

Wang Shuyan; Feng Zhongxu; Yang Shimin
The multi-functional test bench for construction machinery is mainly used for traction and loading test of construction machinery. The test bench can not only hang a variety of working devices of construction machinery to study the selection of shovel cutting, milling, compaction, paving and other action mechanisms and performance parameters, provide power sources for these working devices and other devices, but also simulate the automatic control of a variety of working devices. The design scheme, use and function of the test bench are introduced in detail, and the structural composition, working principle and performance parameters of each system of the test bench mechanical system, hydraulic system, control system, test system and power system, as well as the auxiliary working device selected.

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