2001 volumne 22卷 Issue 02
Dong Qiwu; Cui Zhongfeng

In order to realize the computer-aided design of the process design of the new longitudinal flow shell heat exchanger, after analyzing the problem domain and system responsibility, the functions and corresponding organizational structure realized by the process design subsystem of the heat exchanger equipment were determined. In the software design stage, a variety of data processing methods are adopted to solve the physical parameter query of many materials. According to different situations, the corresponding heat transfer calculation method is used to calculate the heat transfer, and the heat transfer process is optimized to realize the process design of the heat exchanger. In the software implementation stage, the interface design is realized by using the PDB function carried by AutoCAD itself on the AutoCAD software platform, and the computer-aided design function is realized through the ADSRX application.

LIU International; CHEN Jinzhong; Cow Berlin; etc

The methods of preparing naphthalequinone abroad (including liquid phase oxidation method and air catalytic oxidation method of naphthalene) were briefly introduced, and the research progress of 1,4-naphthoquinone preparation by naphthalene air catalytic oxidation was introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods are compared, and the necessity and significance of domestic research and development of gas-phase catalytic oxidation to prepare naphthoquinone are demonstrated, which provides a reference for the research and development of naphthoquinone production and its production technology in China. At the same time, the study of naphthalene aerocatalytic oxidation can also provide a valuable reference for the development of catalysis science and catalytic technology.

WANG Wenyi; Xin Xiaonan; Wang Ruoyu

Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs) generally have extremely high theoretical peak speeds, but the effective speed of users in practical applications is often very different. Taking Exemplar (SPP1200) system as an example, how to improve the effective speed of MPP users is discussed in terms of cache missing rate, localizability and hierarchical algorithm, which will have certain practical significance for the promotion and application of large-scale parallel machines in China.

Lejin Dynasty; Bao Xu; Wang Fuming

Slatted components are frequently used in structural engineering, and most of the research on fatigue failure of slats is limited to experimental methods, while few are theoretically analyzed from the perspective of fracture mechanics. In view of this situation, the problem of symmetric collinear cracks in planar infinite slats is studied by integral transformation, and according to the mixed boundary conditions, the problem is reduced to a super-singular integral equation with the dislocation of the crack surface as an unknown function in the sense of finite integral, and the corresponding numerical calculation method is established, and the calculation formula of stress intensity factor is given. Finally, the mutual influence between cracks is analyzed by numerical example.

ZUO Jing.

Extension sets are one of the fundamental concepts of extension theory. Discussing the characteristics of the Extension set and its relationship with other sets is very important for clarifying the survival basis, research value and development prospect of extensions. By comparing the identification and classification principles of domain elements of three sets, it is pointed out that the Fuzzy set Extension set is based on the Cantor set, but each has irreplaceable uniqueness of other sets. The Extension set is characterized by its recognition angle of the potential attributes of the domain elements and the recognition of the translatability of the element attributes under specific transformations.

ZHAO Wanzhong; Yingtao Zhao

The properties of the solution of the dual fuzzy matrix equation are discussed, the concept of the minimum solution M is proposed, and the method of on-table operation is given that is very simple to operate. The concept of maximum solution Xi is proposed, and the structural theorem Я=∪ki=1{X|MXXi} and the solution of the dual fuzzy matrix equation are given, and Я≠ΦM is the smallest solution. By solving the maximum solution matrix and the maximum solution combination of the simplest equations, the specific method of solving the maximum solution is given, and a complete theoretical system is established for the dual fuzzy matrix equation.

SUN Changgeng; Chen Jianmei

Starting from the basic law of electromagnetic induction, the effect of induced electric field on orbital electrons in magnetic medium atoms is discussed, and a clear explanation is given for the antimagnetic diamagnetism. According to the obtained formula, the magnetic susceptibility is estimated by taking the common antimagnetic copper as an example. This quantitative calculation results are in good agreement with the accepted values in the general physics literature in terms of orders of magnitude.

Lou Yanliang; Xiao Wenkai

Compositional analysis of homemade ZrO2 films was performed by slow positron beam (SPEB). The results show that there is a high positron absorbing layer about 2 nm thick on the surface layer of ZrO20 film, and the special structure of the surface layer is related to the partial polymerization of Y on the surface layer. Annealing treatment above 500 °C can greatly reduce the thickness of this layer.

LI Fushan; Li Yonggang

The characteristics of thermal analysis technology are analyzed, and a new thermal analysis technology for comprehensive detection and prediction of melt composition and properties of cast alloy is proposed. This technique can predict the main components and properties of gray cast iron and ductile iron according to the measured temperature characteristic values and the regressed mathematical model. In order to realize the dynamic correction and update of the built mathematical model, the design refers to the adaptive analysis software module of the thermal analysis model. Through the analysis of the shape of the cooling curve, the misjudgment of the eigenvalues and the interpretation of the deviation of the predicted values are realized, and the traditional thermal folding technique is broadened from simple quantification to a combination of quantitative and qualitative. Based on the automatic correction technology, a microcomputer thermal analyzer hardware circuit system and software system that can detect the cast iron composition and predict its performance are designed and developed.

Zuo Qiting; Wang Zhonggen; CHEN Xi; etc

Realizing the optimal regulation and scientific management of the ecological environment is an important measure to protect the ecological environment, promote the coordinated development of social economy and environment, and establish a harmonious relationship between man and the environment. According to the characteristics of the ecological environment in the western arid area, from the perspective of facilitating the regulation and management of the ecological environment, the quantitative index system and evaluation standards of ecological environment quality are given, and the multi-level correlation evaluation method of ecological environment quality assessment and its application examples in ecological environment quality assessment in Ningxia sub-region are introduced.

WANG Weifeng; Wang Wendong

Hong Kong Ting Kowloon Bridge is a three-tower, four-cable-stayed bridge with novel structure. In order to carry out more accurate wind and seismic analysis, as well as future bridge health testing, experimental measurement of the self-vibration characteristics of bridges is essential. According to the acceleration sensor data of the vibration of the bridge under the environmental excitation (mainly wind) of the Tingjiu Bridge, the mode shape and corresponding natural frequency were determined by spectral analysis method, and the damping ratio was measured by the half-power bandwidth method. The mode shape and corresponding natural frequency are basically consistent with the finite element analysis results.

Wang Hongxia; Golden branches; Miao Tongchen

Many uncertainties in the rock and soil itself and the inhomogeneity of the excavation of the sunken well complicate the calculation of the force of the sunken well during the construction process. The mechanical analysis of sinking construction is carried out, a calculation method is proposed considering the ultimate bearing capacity of soil on the collapse surface of the edge foot during uneven excavation, and the dynamic model of sinking structure is established according to the Lagrangian equation of the dissipation function, and the engineering examples are used to verify that the established mechanical model can well predict the subsidence under a certain excavation amount.

Zhang Guosheng; Niu Ruiping; Shen Ningfu

Ni23.3Zr6.7Al64Cu2.3Ce3.7 amorphous alloy was prepared by plane casting, and activated by alkali washing and pumping Al to prepare Ni-based amorphous alloy catalyst with large specific surface area. The changes of the specific surface area and structural state of alloys under different activation conditions were studied by XRD, BET, TEM and other means, and a mathematical model of the relationship between the specific surface area and activation time of amorphous catalysts was established for the first time.

ZHANG Wuyue; ZHOU Weiqing; Zhou Hongjun

The two-region boundary element method is used to calculate the stress field at the end of the interface fracture, and the relationship between the stress intensity factor KI. and the stress is obtained by the relationship between the stress intensity factor KI γ. and the stress (r is the polar coordinate), so as to obtain the stress intensity factor at r=0. Examples show that the boundary element method is an effective method for calculating interfacial cracks.

ZHAO Junting.

The simultaneous extraction of oil and protein from soybean by AOT/isooctane system was studied. The experimental results show that the extraction rate of protein is affected by the extraction time, pH value, salt concentration and AOT concentration of the aqueous solution, and the extraction effect of oil is basically unchanged compared with the traditional oil production process. Orthogonal experimental analysis showed that the optimal conditions for the extraction time were 90 min, salt concentration of 0.1 mol/L, pH value of 5.0, and AOT concentration of 6 g/50 ml of isooctane.

Yang Guangyu; Zhang Leishun

Aiming at the Hungarian solution of the minimization problem in the assignment problem, a solution method of maximizing the problem is proposed that is different from the traditional solution. This method does not need to replace the original coefficient matrix with a new coefficient matrix at the beginning, but can be solved directly on the original coefficient matrix, but some principles in the solution process are different from the solution principle of minimizing the problem. Since the number of problem-solving steps corresponds to the number of problem-solving steps and the number of problem-solving steps of the minimized problem, the same program with coefficients can be used to solve two different problems. This method is simple and intuitive, which provides a convenient way for the implementation of the solution on the computer.

Niu Berlin.

Pervaporation distillation is a new membrane separation technology that combines osmotic process and distillation process, which has the advantages of saving investment and low energy consumption, and is especially suitable for the separation of heat-sensitive materials. The thermodynamics and kinetic principles of osmotic distillation process, and their application in food, medicine, biochemistry, chemical industry and other fields are briefly reviewed. At present, osmotic distillation has attracted widespread attention from scientific and technological workers in the extraction of natural substances. Due to the slow rate of pervaporation distillation process, for economic efficiency, ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis is generally used to initially concentrate the treated material, and then it is highly concentrated by pervaporation distillation, and the combined process is more effective.

Wang Xinzhang; Lei Yinzhao

In view of the current situation that metal conductivity testing instruments at home and abroad must be calibrated by standard test blocks, and the detection object is limited to the conductivity range of the given standard test block, a new method for detecting metal conductivity is proposed in theory, that is, according to the known scattering field impedance value, the conductivity of metal is reversed by numerical calculation method, so as to overcome the limitation that existing metal conductivity testing instruments must be calibrated by standard test blocks, expand the scope of tested materials, and develop experimental conductivity detection instruments. The experiments carried out with this instrument show that the detection method is feasible and the detection instrument is reliable.

XU Maojie; ZHANG Zhiguo; Yang Guochen

Nematic phase liquid crystals are widely used in TN, STN and other display technologies, and the study of nematic-isotropic phase transition temperature TNI has important theoretical and application significance. Based on L. Onsager’s hard rod theory, the mutual attraction potential between molecules is considered, and an improved model is given. Using the "group unfolding" method, the free energy of the system is derived; Using the Zwanzig method, the self-consistent equation of the order parameters, the equation of state of the system and the resulting transition temperature TNI are closer to the experimental results than the L. Onsager hard bar theory.

Wang Haitao; Gao Jinfeng

The basic principle of spread spectrum communication is introduced, and the anti-interference characteristics of spread spectrum communication are analyzed. On this basis, the basic structure of power line carrier communication system is expounded, and a method of using single-chip microcomputer software programming to realize power line carrier spread spectrum communication is proposed. The computer simulation is used to analyze the change of bit error rate under different signal-to-noise ratio conditions, and the results show that the proposed method can improve the communication quality and reduce the bit error rate through the implementation of software algorithms without increasing hardware costs.

Liu Chaohong; Li Tian

According to the limitations of the current norms or regulations on the stability coefficient value in the design of lightweight portal rigid frame, the overall analysis of the elastic stability in the plane of the portal rigid frame is carried out by the finite element method, and the calculated length coefficient of the obtained variable-section column in the rigid frame plane is not limited by the structural form and load conditions of the rigid frame in the traditional design. Using the concept of equivalent rotational stiffness, the conversion length coefficient of wedge beam in the plane of the rigid frame is discussed, and the change relationship between the conversion length coefficient and the geometric dimensions and internal forces of variable section members is pointed out on the basis of a large number of example analysis, for the reference of structural designers.

ZHU Wenzheng; Chen Huai

Box section is the preferred section type for long-span bridges, and the calculation of the torsional center position of the section is an important part of the internal force analysis of thin-walled box girder structures. According to the Umans second theory of constrained torsion calculation of box-shaped thin-walled girder, the cross-sectional characteristics and torsional center position calculation formula of trapezoidal section thin-walled box girder commonly used in bridge engineering are theoretically derived, and the torsional position calculation formula of trapezoidal section thin-walled box girder with explicit expression is obtained. The numerical example shows that the calculation formula is correct, easy to use, and can be applied to the special case of rectangular section box girder, and the calculation formula has applicability and can be used for practical engineering applications.

Li Dashuai; LIU Minshan; Dong Qiwu

Aiming at the problem of graphical system integration of CAD software of heat exchanger equipment, the object-oriented modeling of heat exchange equipment is based on the actual structure of heat exchange equipment by using object-oriented analysis and design methods, and its graphic system integration is realized by C++ programming. Practice has proved that this is an effective way to develop CAD software and realize graphics system integration.

QIN Ke; LIU Minshan; Cui Yan

The design of heat exchange equipment components was analyzed by applying object-oriented technology. The OOA model and OOD model are established, and the OOA model is described in detail from the class and object layer, structure layer, theme layer, attribute layer and service layer. The OOD model is explained from the problem domain part, human-computer interaction part, task management part and data management part. Practice shows that the object-oriented analysis and design method has obvious advantages in the stability, reusability and easy maintenance of software.

ZENG Zhibin; ZHAI Zhen; Li Chunyu

In the computer-aided process design system, the accuracy, scientificity and comprehensiveness of the part information description will directly affect the quality and reliability of the designed process. A parameter-based CAPP part information description method is proposed, and taking shaft parts as an example, the description method of parameter-based CAPP part information is introduced in detail, and the whole input process of part information description parameters is given, so that the description and input of CAPP part information are simple and clear.

Mu Naixia; Zhong Shijin; Wang Fuming; etc

Electronic map is the basis of geographic information system (GIS), in the process of electronic map production, in order to achieve the conversion from the plane coordinates of the map to the geodetic coordinates to the screen coordinates, it is necessary to use the geographical coordinates of the control point. In the actual operation process, the geographical coordinates of the control points are obtained by GPS (Global Positioning System) measurement. According to the use of GPS in the production of highway electronic maps in Henan Province, the application of GPS control points in vector data export and coordinate conversion was discussed. Taking Mengjin County and Yanshi City as examples, the role of GPS control points in map data conversion and map stitching is illustrated.

An Xueqing; Wang Guofu; Lee Xue-sang

On the basis of the basic ABS algorithm, a class of vector-type ABS algorithm for solving large sparse problems is presented by using the characteristics of the ABS algorithm, which overcomes the shortcomings of the large amount of operation and storage caused by the modified projection matrix in the original ABS algorithm, and discusses the convergence and stability of the algorithm. Experiments show that the algorithm has the characteristics of fast convergence speed, high calculation accuracy, small amount of operation and small amount of storage.

ZHANG Hongxuan; ZHANG Zhaohong; Li Yu

Combustion synthesis is an emerging material preparation method. The basic principles, classification and application of combustion synthesis technology are introduced. Combustion synthetic surface coating technology has become an important material surface modification technology, combustion synthetic coating technology can be widely used in petrochemical industry important equipment large-area anti-corrosion, can focus on preventing high temperature oxidation, high temperature sulfur corrosion, acid corrosion and dew point corrosion, etc., for improving product yield and quality, tapping potential and efficiency, transforming existing production equipment, extending the start cycle, ensuring safe production are all important, can bring huge economic and social benefits.

Wang Renyi; Liu Yansheng; Pi Suping; etc

Generally, the amount of cement used in commercial concrete is relatively large, and the hydration heat generated is more, and in large-volume pouring or winter construction, it is easy to cause excessive temperature difference between the inside and outside of concrete, thereby causing cracks, so in the design, the joints, stress concentrations and large volume of concrete in the structure should be evenly arranged along the section of fine and dense structural steel bars to improve the crack resistance of the structure. By adding various admixtures to commercial concrete, appropriately reducing the amount of cement, extending the curing time, and reducing the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the component, the possibility of cracks in the concrete structure is reduced.

Miao Li; Chen Jiamo

Shear walls generally have large structural rigidity, good integrity, and easy to arrange in architecture, but their own weight and rigidity are large, and the seismic response caused by them is also large, and the ductility of the structure itself is not good. In view of this situation, starting from its mechanical characteristics and combining the design requirements in practical work, it is proposed that the structural form of short-limb shear wall and special-shaped column can better meet the design requirements of the best matching of the overall stiffness, bearing capacity and ductility deformation capacity of the structure, and can be easily applied to the actual design work.

Yu Yuxi; ZHU Shijie; Ma Qingyong; etc

On the basis of the preliminary selection of the osmotic agent, the optimal formula of the low-temperature boronizing agent was developed by orthogonal test optimization. Through metallographic analysis and microhardness determination, the microstructure and hardness distribution of the low-temperature boronized layer were analyzed. The results show that the orthogonal test can effectively reduce the number of tests and obtain the best osmotic formula. The low-temperature boronizing agent can better achieve low-temperature boronizing, the boronizing layer is comb-shaped, dense and loose pores, and there is no obvious transition zone and no obvious carbon-rich area in the boride front. The microhardness gradient of the boronized layer is relatively gentle, and the combination of the permeable layer and the matrix is better.

Huangjing; JIA Xinfeng; Rowendi Luo

Combined with the "Sky City Millennium Home" competition plan, the concept of courtyard space is introduced in the planning of residential communities, and how to strengthen spatial cohesion and make neighborhood communication inevitable. How to strengthen the sense of belonging to the space and provide a safe living space; How to adapt to the development of modern life, solve new problems of living and other design ideas, and put forward the perspective of "regeneration of courtyard space", in order to strive to create a modern courtyard space that takes into account the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization.

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