Academic Misconduct Policy
Academic Misconduct Policy

  Authors must ensure that they have written a completely original study (except for reviews), and does not contain any forgery, deception or plagiarism, and if they have used other people’s books or statements, they must be properly cited, which should be listed in the pattern of references. Editors of Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineer Science) will scan each submitted manuscript with the help of Academic Misconduct Literature Check System of Science and Technology Periodicals (AMLC) which developed by China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) to verify the originality of submitted manuscripts.
  "Zero tolerance" should perform for academic misconduct. Once academic misconduct is disclosed before or after publication of the paper, the author will be strictly punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and warning, self-criticism, reject, withdrawal, a notice of criticism and contact to the authors’ institutions will be implemented according to the severity of the circumstances.
  In order to protect the rights and interests of readers and maintain the quality and reputation of this journal, Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science) will strictly test and screen papers in the publishing process, and continue to implement the rejection system and deal with papers identified as academic misconduct seriously. The specific detection and identification process and treatment methods are hereby announced as follows:
1. The journal adopts the "Academic Misconduct Literature Check(AMLC)" to automatically detect the papers, and takes the general library of online publishing of China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database to detect academic misconduct papers such as plagiarism and plagiarism, forgery, tampering, improper signature, multiple submission of one draft and so on.
2. Scope of papers to be tested
  1) All papers recorded or ready for employment by the journal;
  2) Readers report suspected plagiarism of papers.
3. Identification of academic misconduct papers
  The "Academic Misconduct Literature Check" is used to check the duplicate of the paper. If the duplication rate is 15% or more, the paper and the comparison paper shall be submitted to the reviewer together to determine the nature and form of the duplication of the paper, and prepare the Opinion on the Identification and Treatment of the Similarity between the Paper and the Comparison Paper.
  The criteria for identifying papers as academic misconduct are as follows:
  1) Copying the achievements of others in the original or basically intact content of the thesis;
  2) In the content of the paper, changing the type of other people’s achievements and regard the achievements completed by others as the achievements completed by themselves independently; Or not changing the type of achievements, but making use of the copyright protected elements in the achievements and changing the specific forms of expression of the achievements, and treating the achievements completed by others as the achievements completed independently by themselves;
  3) Using the protected views of others to form the whole, core or main views of his own paper, and taking the protected academic achievements of others as the main part or substantive part of his own academic paper;
  4) Fabricating or tampering with research results, investigation data, experimental data or literature in a paper;
  5) Quoting other people’s protected views, plans, materials, data, etc., without annotation or explanation of the source;
  6) More than one draft.
4. Treatment of papers identified as academic misconduct
  1) In a prudent manner, the editorial department shall timely notify the author of the papers finally identified as academic misconduct, and allow the author to explain and defend this issue before making a decision;
  2) If the paper has been hired but not officially published, inform the author that the paper will be returned directly in the manuscript processing process of the website of this journal, cancel its employment qualification, and give criticism, education and warning to the author;
  3) If the paper has been officially published, notify the author of the paper in writing, cancel the employment qualification of the paper, and order the author to return the manuscript fee of the paper. If it causes reputation or other losses to the journal, the journal will reserve the right to continue to pursue compensation;
  4) If the circumstances are serious, the author’s unit and name will be published in the journal at a selected time, as well as the notice of canceling the paper, and the event will be notified to the author’s unit and other scientific and technological journals in the field;
  5) For the papers written by the author as the first author who seriously plagiarizes and submits more than one draft, this journal will not be employed within 2 years.
5. Handling of author’s objection
  If the author of the paper disagrees with the identification and handling results of the journal, he can submit a written application for review to the editorial department of the journal within 10 working days from the date of receiving the notice (the journal will not accept it if it is overdue). The editorial department is responsible for inviting experts to review the paper, making final treatment opinions, and notifying the author of the review results within 30 working days.
  The above measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation and shall be interpreted by the Editorial Board of Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science).

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