[1]Ll Jie,CHEN Huai,WANG Yan,et al.Analysis of Transformation Plan of the Curved ChordConcrete Filled Steel Tubular Truss Bridge[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2015,36(02):33-37.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2015.02.008]
Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science)[ISSN
41-1339/T] Volume:
Number of periods:
2015 02
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Analysis of Transformation Plan of the Curved ChordConcrete Filled Steel Tubular Truss Bridge
- Author(s):
Ll Jie; CHEN Huai; WANG Yan; CHEN Dai-hai
School of Civil Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China
- Keywords:
curved chord concrete filled steel tubular truss bridge; cross beam; vertical deformation; trans-formation plan
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
In view of the problem of the bridge deck ’s large deformation of a curved chord concrete filled steeltubular truss bridge,which is overpass over an electrified main line,bridge analytic software is firstly used tobuilt finite model to analyze the old structure. In combination with static test results,the reason of the bridgedeck ’s large deformation is discussed. Then in line with some principles of little effect below the railway oper-iou,coIILcL0u sate au easlIe,savng uvesuen,au euecuvey upovg ue unuge opetauou stae,the transformation plan is put forward. These plans are structure system transformation,strengthening trans-verse support and tension sling. The transformation steps are given too. Finally,the effect of transformation isanalyzed and evaluated. Through analysis,it shows that structure after transformation is safety and the deform-ation of the bridge deck and the cross beam is greatly reduced. The effect of transformation is significant.