[1]CHEN Lirong,CHEN Baochun.Analysis of Out-of-plane Stability of Standard Concrete-filledSteel Tube Dumbbell-shaped Rib Arch[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2015,36(06):119-.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2015.06.024]
Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science)[ISSN
41-1339/T] Volume:
Number of periods:
2015 06
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Analysis of Out-of-plane Stability of Standard Concrete-filledSteel Tube Dumbbell-shaped Rib Arch
- Author(s):
CHEN Lirong1; 2; CHEN Baochun1
1.College of Civil Engineering,FuzhouUniversity,Fuzhou 350108,China; 2.Fujian Communications Planning and Design In-stitute,Fuzhou 350008,China
- Keywords:
concrete-illed steel tubular ( CFST); dumbbell-shaped; standard arch; out-of-plane stability; parameter analysis
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
Information of concrete-filled steel tube ( CFST)dumbbell shaped rib arch bridge was investigated.Main influencing factors of out-of-plane stability of this kind of arch bridge were statistically analyzed. Astandard dumbbell-shaped rib arch which could be representatively in accordance with engineering practice wasbuilt by referring to real bridges. The parameter analysis was conducted on this standard arch. The resultsshow that coefficient of elastic stability increases firstly and then decreases while the rise-span ratio increases.When the rise-span ratio is in the range from 0. 22 to 0.25,the coefficient of elastic stability of dumbbell-shaped arch bridge reaches the peak. The influence of the width-span ratio of arch is similar to the rise-spanratio. Brace form not only affects the stability coefficient of arch,but also affects the out-of-plane instabilitymode. The top brace has greater effect on elastic stability than side braces. Enlarging the diameter of steelpipe can effectively improve the out-of-plane stability of dumbbell-shaped arch,but enlarging the sectionheight of arch rib could only slightly improve the out-of-plane stability. Then coefficient of elastic stability ofarch will enlarge with the increase of deck stiffness, but there is a reasonable value interval of deck stiffness.While exceeding this interval,the coefficient increases slowly.