[1]WANG Min,ZHOU Shudao,YE Song.Image Denoising Based on Wavelet Transform Direction and SVD[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2012,33(03):121-124.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2012.03.031]
Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science)[ISSN
41-1339/T] Volume:
Number of periods:
2012 03
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Image Denoising Based on Wavelet Transform Direction and SVD
- Author(s):
WANG Min; ZHOU Shudao; YE Song
instibute of Meteorology, PLA University of Scienee and Technology, Nanjing 211101, China
- Keywords:
wavelet transform: singular value decomposilion; image denoising: filtering; wavelet reconstruction
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
An optimized image denoising algorithm is proposed based on wavelet transform direetional information and SVD, As the image noise is mainly concentrated in the high-frequeney, and the coefficient is smalluging singular value decomposition of large singular values and corresponding eigenvectors reconstructed imagenoise out, but because of the inherent direction of the singular value decomposition, denoising result of diagonal sub-image reconstructed is not satisfactory, we rotate the diagonal sub-image to the level ( verlical) ,thenuse the singular value filtering, at low-frequency only use simple wiener filter, and finally use anti-wavelettransform to reconstruct the denoising image. Experimental results show that this method is effective in denoising, while it retains the original details.