[1]PAN Jian,CAI Hongchao.Parameter Influence Analysis of Solute Transport in Deformable Porours Media[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2009,30(04):136-140.
Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science)[ISSN
41-1339/T] Volume:
Number of periods:
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Parameter Influence Analysis of Solute Transport in Deformable Porours Media
- Author(s):
PAN Jian; CAI Hongchao
College of Civil and Transportation Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China
- Keywords:
porous media; parameter; clay; solute transport
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
Formulation for the solute transport in deformable porous media was presented.The formulation wasbased on the effect of the rate of consolidation or swelling and excess pore pressure or suction dissipation onnonlinear advective component of transport through clay.Three hypothetical cases were evaluated to demon—strate the effect of consolidation,swelling and excess pore pressure on advective—diffusive transport and break—through in clay layer.The results show that consolidation in clay impacts concentration profiles,but does notsignificantly impact breakthrough of the diffusive flux,and consolidation accelerates transport.Swelling underhydraulic gradient application can either accelerate or retard the advective diffusive flux,depending upon theratio of the effective diflusion COmcient relative to the coefficient of consolidation.