 LIU Shuguang,ZHENG Weiqiang,ZHOU Zhengzheng,et al.Flood Risk and Control in Urban Underground Spaces with Extreme Rainfall[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2023,44(02):22-29.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2023.02.017]





Flood Risk and Control in Urban Underground Spaces with Extreme Rainfall
刘曙光 郑伟强 周正正 庄 琦 金宇辰 张之瑞
同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 200092

LIU Shuguang ZHENG Weiqiang ZHOU Zhengzheng ZHUANG Qi JIN Yuchen ZHANG Zhirui
School of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092

极端暴雨 洪涝风险 地下空间 灾害防控 城镇化
extreme rainfall flood risk underground spaces disaster control urbanization
目前针对流域和城市区域的洪涝防控研究已经取得了丰富的成果,但城市内涝仍然时有发生,城市地下空间遭受洪水入侵的事件频频出现,给城市的可持续发展和居民的生命财产安全带来巨大隐患。 首先,结合国内外地下空间洪涝灾害实例,介绍了城市地下空间洪涝灾害的基本情况,从水势发展、救援情况、入侵方式和灾损特征等 4 个方面分析了城市地下空间洪涝灾害的特点,并从致灾因子、承灾体和防灾减灾能力 3 个方面讨论了城市地下空间洪涝防控所面临的主要科学问题,归纳总结目前存在的难点、痛点与堵点,分析了暴雨频率计算、地下空间属性和防洪非工程措施对洪涝防控的影响。 其次,基于对国内外相关研究成果的总结梳理,将目前城市地下空间洪涝防控研究分为依托城市洪涝防控开展的研究和针对地下空间属性开展的研究两类,分别概述了两类研究的现状,并系统总结其优势与不足。 最后,对未来城市地下空间洪涝防控的科学研究方向与工程技术热点进行了展望,为可持续发展城市建设和韧性城市建设提供科学参考。
Although plenty of studies have been carried out, waterlogging in urban areas is common. The frequent happening of flood inundation in urban underground spaces has great threat to the sustainable development of city and the life and property security of citizens. Firstly, according to the flooding events in urban underground spaces around the world, the basic information and characteristics of flood disasters in urban underground spaces were introduced in this study. The characteristics of flood disasters in underground spaces were analyzed from four aspects, including inundation development, rescue condition, invasion pattern, and damage feature. Then, the major scientific problems of flood control in urban underground spaces were raised from three aspects, i. e. factors, carriers, and defenders, based on which the difficulties, vulnerabilities, and poor executions were summarized and discussed. The influences on flood preventing of designed rainfalls, physical property and non-structural measures were concluded. Next, with an overview of related studies, studies on flood control in urban underground spaces were divided into two types, one based on flood control in urban areas and the other focused on features of underground spaces, both of which were analyzed in detail. Finally, an outlook of academic study and technical improvement on prospective flood control in urban underground spaces was conducted, as a scientific perspective to the development of sustainable societies and resilient cities.


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 ZHANG Jinping,ZHANG Zhaoyang,ZUO Qiting.Urban Waterlogging Simulation and Emergency Response Capacity Evaluation with Extreme Rainstorms[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2023,44(02):30.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2023.02.020]

更新日期/Last Update: 2023-02-25