 HU Hongchao,LI Mingyang,YANG Xiaohan.Dynamic Scheduling Strategy Selection Method for HeterogeneousContainers Based on Signaling Game[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(05):103-110.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.05.010]





Dynamic Scheduling Strategy Selection Method for HeterogeneousContainers Based on Signaling Game
扈红超1 李明阳2 杨晓晗3
1. 郑州大学 中原网络安全研究院,河南 郑州 450001;2. 郑州大学 网络空间安全学院,河南 郑州 450001;3. 信息工程大学 信息技术研究所,河南 郑州 450001
HU Hongchao1 LI Mingyang2 YANG Xiaohan3
1. Zhongyuan Network Security Research Institute, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001,China; 2. School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001,China; 3. Information Technology Research Institute, University of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou 450001, China
容器安全 信号博弈 移动目标防御 容器调度 容器异构
container security signaling game moving target defense container scheduling container heterogeneity
针对容器弱隔离的特性易使其遭受同驻攻击和逃逸攻击等问题,提出了一种基于信号博弈的异构容器动态调度策略选取方法。 首先,对容器异构程度进行量化,结合多维度指标计算得到异构度集合,精确计算攻防收益提供必要参数;其次,考虑攻击者对容器信息获取程度不断变化,设计攻击者对容器信息获取程度的动态集合,构建多阶段不完全信息信号博弈模型;最后,提出了一种异构容器动态调度策略选取算法,多阶段求解最优动态调度策略。 实验结果表明:与 SmartSCR 方法相比,动态轮换平均开销降低了 47. 3%,防御者平均收益提升了 14. 2%,与Stackelberg 方法相比,动态轮换平均开销基本持平,防御者平均收益提升了 65. 73%。
Aiming at the problem that the weak isolation characteristic of containers easily makes them suffer fromco-resident and escape attacks, a dynamic scheduling strategy selection method for heterogeneous containers basedon signaling game was proposed. Firstly, the degree of container heterogeneity was quantified, and the set of heterogeneity was calculated by combining multi-dimensional indicators to provide the necessary parameters for accuratecalculation of attack and defense benefits. Then, considering the constant change of the attacker′s access degree tothe container information, a dynamic set of the attacker′s access degree to the container information was designed,and a multi-stage incomplete information signaling game model was constructed on this basis. Finally, an algorithmof dynamic scheduling strategy selection for heterogeneous containers was proposed to solve the optimization problemof multi-stage dynamic scheduling strategy. The experimental results showed that compared with the SmartSCRmethod, the average dynamic rotation overhead was reduced by 47. 3% and the average gain of the defender wasimproved by 14. 2%, and compared with the Stackelberg method, the average gain of the defender was improved by65. 73% while the average overhead of the dynamic rotation was basically the same.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-02