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 XIANG Sa.Integrated Development and Platform Construction of Intelligent Publishing of Academic Journal with User Profile[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2023,44(03):123-129.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2023.03.023]





Integrated Development and Platform Construction of Intelligent Publishing of Academic Journal with User Profile
向 飒
郑州大学 学报编辑部,河南 郑州 450001

Editorial Department of Journal of Zhengzhou University, 450001, Zhengzhou, Henan

学术期刊 用户画像 智能出版 出版平台 人工智能 知识服务 出版流程融合发展
academic journal user profile intelligent publishing publishing platform artificial intelligence knowledge service publishing process integrated development
G237. 5
为探讨人工智能技术、大数据及用户画像在学术期刊智能出版转型中的应用,通过分析国内外学术期刊 出版系统数字化、智能化、开放化的发展状况,提出中国学术期刊智能出版融合发展的建议。首先,探讨基于数据 关联的期刊用户画像构建,分为数据采集、数据处理、标签划分、用户画像标签体系构建 4 个步骤; 其次,提出学术 期刊智能出版系统内部维度出版流程的智能化重构,包含了选题策划高效化、审稿评议智能化、编排校对自动化、 生产印刷按需化、营销服务精准化; 再次,加快学术期刊智能出版系统外部维度知识服务的智能化转型,包括知识 检索和发现服务图谱化、知识推荐和定制服务精准化、科研决策工具智能化、多媒体服务场景化、社交媒体服务网 络化、开放获取服务共享化; 最后,提出全流程学术期刊智能出版系统的框架设计,为学术期刊出版智能化转型提 供思路
To explore the application of artificial intelligence technology, big data, and user profiling in the intelligent transformation of academic journal, in this study, the development status of digital intelligence and open access of academic journal publishing platforms at home and abroad were analyzed, and suggestions for the intelligent integration and development of academic journal publishing in China were proposed. Firstly, the construction of user profiles was based explor on data correlation, which consisted of four steps: data collection, data processing, label segmentation, and user profile presentation. Secondly, the intelligent reconstruction of the publishing process was proposed, which included efficient topic planning, intelligent review and evaluation, automated editing and proofreading, on-demand production and printing, and precision marketing services. Thirdly, the transformation of knowledge services into intelligence were accelerated, including the graphing of knowledge retrieval services, customization of knowledge recommendation services, intelligence of scientific research decision-making tools, networking of social media services, and sharing of open access services. Finally, a framework design for intelligent academic journal publishing platforms were proposed, providing ideas for the intelligent transformation of academic journal publishing.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-05-09