LI Xiyan,Jl Dongsheng,WU Chongzheng.The Research of lmage Mosaic Algorithm Based on SURF and Pseudo-Zernike Moments[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2014,35(06):69-73.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2014.06.017]
- 卷:
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- Title:
The Research of lmage Mosaic Algorithm Based on SURF and Pseudo-Zernike Moments
- 作者:
李喜艳1; 纪东升2; 吴崇正1
- Author(s):
LI Xiyan; Jl Dongsheng; WU Chongzheng
1. Finanee and Eeonomies Deparment of information Engineering, 2hengzhou Chenggong College, 2hengzhou 451200, china;2. School of Infommation Seienee & Engineering , Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730030, China
- Keywords:
SURF; pseudo-zernike moments; RANSAC algorithm; image mosaie
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- Abstract:
The feature points matching image mosaie algorithm was found to be sensilive to rolations andnoise , and an automatie image mosaie method based on SURF and Pseudo-Zernike moments algorithm was pro.posed. The improved SURF feature points detector was used to get the comers, then the pseudo-Zemike mo.ments defined on the interest point neighborhood were eomputed. Through comparing the Bray-Curtis similaritymeasure of the pseudo-Zernike moments to extraet the initial feaure points pair, then the spurious featurepoints pair were rejeeted by RANSAC algorithm, then by means of using the geometrie transform of input ima-ges for registration, the overlapping region of two images was fused and the image Mosaie was finished. lm-proved SURF feature detection algorihm extraet feature points are uniform, aeeurate and fast. The proposedmethod of image registration is robust to rotation , lranslalion and noise.
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