XING Haipeng,WU Guanghua,WANG Ge,et al.Mechanism Analysis of Soil Compaction Grouting Based on Modified Cam-clay Model[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(pre):2.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2025.01.004]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Mechanism Analysis of Soil Compaction Grouting Based on Modified Cam-clay Model
- 作者:
邢海鹏1; 2; 吴光华1; 2; 王格1; 陈坤洋1; 李晓龙1; 张蓓1
(1.郑州大学 水利与交通学院,河南 郑州,450001;2.河南省赵口引黄灌区二期工程建设管理局,河南 开封,475000)
- Author(s):
XING Haipeng1; 2; WU Guanghua1; 2; WANG Ge1; CHEN Kunyang1; LI Xiaolong1; ZHANG Bei1
(1. School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China 2. Construction Administration Bureau of Zhaokou Yellow River Diversion Irrigation Area Phase project in Henan Province , Kaifeng 475000, China)
- 关键词:
压密注浆; 修正剑桥模型; 数值模拟; 有限元; 挤密机理
- Keywords:
compaction grouting; modified Cam-clay model ; numerical simulation; finite element; compaction mechanism
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
现有压密注浆仿真方法仅能分析注浆后的应力分布,无法获得压密后土体孔隙比、密度等反映注浆挤密效果的参数信息,为此引入修正剑桥模型描述土体力学行为,基于弹塑性有限元理论,建立了一种模拟常密度浆液在土体中压密注浆过程的仿真方法,实现了对地层挤密效应更加全面直观的描述。以黏土、粉质黏土等低渗透性土为对象开展了压密注浆仿真分析,与解析解和试验结果的对比显示,不同注浆压力下土体径向应力、孔隙比模拟值与解析解的总体平均相对误差分别为4.04%、0.29%,不同埋深条件下土体弹性模量、孔隙比计算值与现场试验结果的平均相对误差分别为2.85%和5.69%,证明了该方法较好的适用性。在此基础上分析了注浆加固后浆柱周围土体密度、孔隙比、弹性模量等参数分布特征,结果表明,注浆深度1.5 m处,注浆压力从0.4 MPa增至1.0 MPa时,距注浆孔中心0.05 m处土体密度、弹性模量和孔隙比近似呈线性变化,平均变化率分别为0.148 g/cm3/MPa、0.808和-0.126 MPa-1;注浆压力0.4 MPa时,随着注浆深度增加,距注浆孔中心0.05 m处土体密度和弹性模量的增加率、孔隙比降低率均逐渐下降。总体来看,注浆加固后浆柱周围土体密度、弹性模量有较大提升,孔隙比明显降低,距注浆孔越远土体参数改变量越小,逐渐恢复至初始状态;相同注浆压力条件下,随着注浆深度增大,压密效果逐渐减弱。
- Abstract:
The existing compaction grouting simulation method can only analyze the stress distribution after grouting, and cannot obtain the parameter information reflecting the compaction effect of grouting, such as the void ratio and density of soil after compaction. Therefore, the MCC is introduced to describe the mechanical property of soil, and based on the elastic-plastic finite element theory, a simulation method is established to simulate the compaction grouting process of constant density slurry in soil. A more comprehensive and intuitive description of the formation compaction effect is achieved. The compaction grouting simulation analysis was carried out on clay, silty clay and other low permeability soil. Compared with the analytical and experimental results, t he overall average relative errors of the simulated values and analytical solutions of radial stress and void ratio under different grouting pressures are 4.04% and 0.29% respectively , and the average relative errors between the calculated elastic modulus and void ratio and the field test results are 2.85% and 5.69% respectively, which proves the applicability of this method. On this basis, the distribution characteristics of soil density, void ratio and elastic modulus around the grouting column after grouting reinforcement are analyzed. The results show that when the grouting pressure increases from 0.4 MPa to 1.0 MPa at the grouting depth of 1.5 m, the soil density, elastic modulus and void ratio at the grouting hole center of 0.05 m approximate linear changes, and the average change rates are 0.148 g/cm3/MPa, 0.808 and -0.126 MPa-1, respectively. When the grouting pressure is 0.4 MPa, the increase rates of soil density and elastic modulus and the decrease rate of void ratio at 0.05 m from the center of the grouting hole gradually decrease with the increase of grouting depth. Overall, the density and elastic modulus of the soil around the grouting column are greatly increased after grouting reinforcement, and the void ratio is significantly reduced. The soil parameters change less with the distance from the grouting hole, and gradually return to the initial state. Under the same grouting pressure condition, with the increase of grouting depth, the compaction effect gradually weakens
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