 WAN Hong,GU Zhi yuan,LI Mengmeng.COP-based Feature Extraction and Analysis of Plantar Pressure in Tai Chi Stake[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(pre):2.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2025.01.016]





COP-based Feature Extraction and Analysis of Plantar Pressure in Tai Chi Stake
万红1 2谷智元1 2李蒙蒙1 2
(1. 郑州大学电气与信息工程学院,河南郑州450001;2. 河南省脑科学与脑机接口技术重点实验室,河南郑州450001)
WAN Hong12 GU Zhi yuan12 LI Mengmeng12
(1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 45000 1, China; 2. Henan Key Laboratory of Brain Science and Brain-Computer Interface Technology, Zhengzhou 45000 1, China)
Tai Chi Stake Plantar pressure Center of pressure Feature extraction Sample entropy
为探究太极桩功训练的内在特点,数字化解读其动作要领,借助有效的足底压力检测设备采集被试的足底压力信号,并对比分析了专家组和学员组足底压力中心(Center Of Pressure, COP)移动的相对位置、时域、频域及规律性指标。结果显示:相比于学员组,专家组COP相对位置更接近50%;时域指标方面,专家组COP移动均方根在左右和前后方向上均显著大于学员组,而频域的移动峰值频率在两个方向上则均显著小于学员组;衡量规律性的COP样本熵分析显示,专家组左右和前后方向的平均样本熵均显著小于学员组。这些结果表明:专家组站桩过程中的COP更集中在中心位置,体现了“立身中正”的技术要领;其中规律性的低频调整,体现了太极桩功“静中有动”的特点。
To explore the inherent characteristics of Tai Chi Stake training and digitally interpret its movement essentials, effective plantar pressure detection equipment was used to collect plantar pressure signals from participants, and the relative position, time-domain, frequency-domain, and regularity indicators of the center of pressure (COP) movement between the expert group and the trainee group were compared and analyzed. The results show that the relative position of COP of the expert group is closer to 50% compared to the trainee group. In terms of time-domain indicators, the root mean square of COP movement of the expert group is significantly larger than that of the trainee group in both the left -right and front-back directions, while the frequency-domain peak frequency of the movement is significantly lower than that of the trainee group in both directions. For the sample entropy analysis of COP that measures the regularity, the expert group showed significantly lower values in both the left-right and front-back directions compared to the trainee group. These results indicate that the Tai Chi Stake COP of the expert group is more concentrated in the central position, reflecting the technical essential of " stand straight and be centered". The regular low-frequency adjustment reflects the characteristic of " motion in quiescence" in Tai Chi Stake


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