 BAI Hongbai,CHEN Yipeng,REN Zhiying,et al.Design and Mechanical Properties Test of Double Dynamic Vibration Absorber forHigh-temperature Pipelines[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(05):37-44.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.05.011]





Design and Mechanical Properties Test of Double Dynamic Vibration Absorber forHigh-temperature Pipelines
白鸿柏1 陈毅鹏1 任志英1 李 振2 何明圆2
1. 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院,福建 福州 350116;2. 中核集团福建福清核电有限公司,福建 福州 350318
BAI Hongbai1 CHEN Yipeng1 REN Zhiying1 LI Zhen2 HE Mingyuan2
1. School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China; 2. China National Nuclear Corporation Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Co. , Ltd. , Fuzhou 350318, China
1. 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院福建 福州 3501162. 中核集团福建福清核电有限公司福建 福州 350318
nuclear power small branch tube double dynamic vibration absorber frequency adjustable three-wayvibration absorption broadband vibration absorb
V416. 2
针对传统减振支撑难以解决核电机组中小支管的无规则振动问题,设计了一种基于金属橡胶材料的环形二重三向动力吸振器,其中质量块总质量为 0. 084 kg,矩形弹簧和金属橡胶固定在质量块与工装夹具之间。 首先,构建二重动力吸振器动力学模型。 其次,利用质量感应法确定小支管的等效质量,并结合定点理论优化吸振器刚度、阻尼比。 最后,对小支管二重动力吸振器系统进行谐响应仿真分析。 仿真结果表明:二重动力吸振器对 X、Y、Z3 个方向的吸振效果均大于 95%。 分别对有无安装二重动力吸振器的小支管进行激振试验,正弦激励幅值为 5 N,频率为 0 ~ 150 Hz。 数据表明,二重动力吸振器对于小支管主要振动方向 Y、Z 吸振效果达到 95%以上,X 方向的吸振效率达到 75%以上。
In view of the fact that it was difficult to solve the problem of irregular vibration of small and mediumsized branch pipes in nuclear power units with traditional vibration damping supports, a circular double three-waydynamic vibration absorber based on metal rubber material was designed in this study, with total mass of 0. 084 kg,and the rectangular spring and metal rubber were fixed between the mass and the tooling fixture. Firstly, thedynamic model of the double dynamic vibration absorber was constructed, and then the equivalent mass of the smallbranch was determined by the mass induction method, and the stiffness and damping ratio of the vibration absorberwere optimized by combining the fixed-point theory. The harmonic response simulation analysis of the small branchtube double dynamic vibration absorber system showed that the vibration absorption effect of the double dynamicvibration absorber in the X, Y and Z directions was greater than 95%. The excitation test was carried out on thesmall branch tube with or without the double dynamic vibration absorber, the sinusoidal excitation amplitude was5 N, and the frequency range was 0 to 150 Hz, and the data showed that the vibration absorption effect of the double dynamic vibration absorber for the main vibration direction of the small branch tube Y and Z reached more than95%, and the vibration absorption efficiency in the X direction reached more than 75%.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-02