 LI Ruixia,LI Jiahui,JIANG Zhifu,et al.Analysis of Detoxification Effect of Benzo[ a] pyrene in Polymer Modification ofthe Medium Temperature Coal-tar Pitch[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(05):119-127.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.05.008]





Analysis of Detoxification Effect of Benzo[ a] pyrene in Polymer Modification ofthe Medium Temperature Coal-tar Pitch
李瑞霞12 李佳辉13 蒋志甫1 章亚东45 乐金朝1
1. 郑州大学 水利与交通学院,河南 郑州 450001;2. 煤基生态精细化工河南省工程实验室,河南 济源 454650;3. 河南省交通规划设计研究院股份有限公司,河南 郑州 451460;4. 郑州大学 化工学院,河南 郑州 450001;5. 郑州大学济源研究院, 河南 济源 454750
LI Ruixia12 LI Jiahui13 JIANG Zhifu1 ZHANG Yadong45 YUE Jinzhao1
1. School of Water Conservancy and Transportation, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 2. Henan Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Coal-based Ecological Fine Chemicals, Jiyuan 454650, China; 3. Henan Communications Planning and Design Institute Co. ,Ltd. , Zhengzhou 451460, China; 4. School of Chemical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;5. JiYuan Research Institute, Zhengzhou University, Jiyuan 454750, China
煤沥青 多环芳烃 苯并[ a]芘 单一改性剂 复合改性剂 脱除率
coal-tar pitch polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons benzo[ a] pyrene single modifier composite modifier removal rate
U414TQ522. 65
为降低煤沥青中致癌性多环芳烃的含量,实现其绿色化应用,分别采用聚氨酯单体、三聚甲醛、聚乙二醇、二乙烯基苯和环氧树脂中的一种或多种与煤沥青进行反应,以煤沥青中代表性致癌物苯并[ a] 芘( BaP) 的脱除率作为评价指标,分析各单一改性剂及复合改性剂对煤沥青中 BaP 的影响。 结果表明:选取的改性剂均能有效降低煤沥青中 BaP 的质量分数,单一改性剂脱毒效果从高到低依次为聚氨酯单体、三聚甲醛、聚乙二醇、二乙烯基苯、环氧树脂;复合改性剂的最优试验组合(质量分数)为 6%聚氨酯单体+ 10% 三聚甲醛+ 8% 聚乙二醇,其在最佳反应条件下可使 BaP 的降低率达到 82. 16%。
In order to reduce the content of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in coal asphalt and realize its green application, polyurethane monomer, trioxymethylene, polyethylene glycol, divinyl benzene and epoxyresin were respectively used to react with coal-tar pitch alone or mixed. The removal rate of benzo [ a ] pyrene( BaP) , a representative carcinogen in coal-tar pitch, was used as an evaluation index to analyze the effects of eachsingle modifier and composite modifier on BaP in coal-tar pitch. The results showed that all the selected modifierscould effectively reduce the mass fraction of BaP in coal-tar pitch, the order of detoxification effect of a single modifier in descending was polyurethane monomer, trioxymethylene, polyethylene glycol, divinyl benzene, epoxy resin;the optimal combination (mass fraction) of composite modifiers was 6% polyurethane monomer +10% trioxymethylene +8% polyethylene glycol, which reduction rate of BaP could reach 82. 16% with the optimal reaction conditions.


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