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Soil Moisture Inversion for Winter Wheat Field Based on UAVMultispectral and Thermal Infrared Data
张成才1 侯佳彤1 王 蕊1 姜明梁12 祝星星1
1. 郑州大学 水利与交通学院,河南 郑州 450001;2. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所,河南 新乡 453002
ZHANG Chengcai1 HOU Jiatong1 WANG Rui1 JIANG Mingliang12 ZHU Xingxing1
1. School of Water Conservancy and Transportation, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; 2. Institute of Farmland Irrigation of CAAS, Xinxiang 453002, China
土壤水分反演 无人机遥感 多光谱 热红外 随机森林 干旱指数 植被覆盖度
soil moisture retrieval UAV remote multispectral thermal infrared random forest drought indicesfractional vegetation cover
TP79S152. 7
引入植被覆盖度会在一定程度上提高土壤水分反演模型的精度,但大多数研究均基于归一化植被指数NDVI 估算植被覆盖度,未深入研究基于其他植被指数估算植被覆盖度对模型的影响。 为此,以河南省驻马店市西平县人和乡冬小麦部分种植区域为实验区,基于分辨率高、机动性强的无人机平台搭载多光谱与热红外成像仪开展冬小麦覆盖地表的土壤水分反演研究,探究引入不同植被覆盖度参数后模型精度的变化,并弥补基于卫星遥感影像的土壤水分监测分辨率低、时效性差的不足。 基于随机森林算法,将温度植被干旱指数 TVDI、垂直干旱指数PDI 两种干旱指数分别与 7 种植被指数估算的植被覆盖度参数耦合搭建土壤水分反演模型,并根据最优模型的反演结果对实验区的土壤水分空间分布情况进行分析。 同时,建立耦合 TVDI 与 PDI 指数、不引入植被覆盖度的土壤水分反演模型 TP 模型为对照组。 结果表明:在 0 ~ 10 cm 和 > 10 ~ 20 cm 深度时,TP 模型的决定系数 R2 分别为0. 606、0. 670,均方根误差 RMSE 分别为 0. 045、0. 041。 7 种引入植被覆盖度的模型精度较 TP 模型精度均有一定程度的提升,其中最优模型 TP OSAVI 的 R2 较 TP 模型分别提高 0. 143、0. 158,RMSE 分别降低 0. 7 百分点、0. 8 百分点。基于干旱指数引入植被覆盖度能够提高模型精度,且不同植被覆盖度参数对模型精度的提升程度有差异。
The introduction of fractional vegetation cover could improve the accuracy of soil moisture inversion model to some extent, but most studies estimated fractional vegetation cover based on normalized difference vegetationindex NDVI, and without in-depth study on the impact of vegetation coverage based on other vegetation indices onthe model. Therefore, taking the winter wheat planting area in Xiping County, Zhumadian City, Henan Province asthe experimental area, based on the UAV platform with high resolution and strong mobility, the multi-spectral andTIR imaging apparatus were equipped to carry out the soil moisture inversion research of winter wheat covered surface, and to explore the changes of model accuracy after introducing different fractional vegetation cover parameters, so as to make up for the limitations of soil moisture monitoring caused by the low resolution and poor timelinessof satellite remote sensing images. The two drought indices of temperature vegetation dryness index TVDI and perpendicular drought index PDI were combined with the parameters of fractional vegetation cover estimated throughseven vegetation indices, respectively, and seven soil moisture inversion models were constructed based on the random forest algorithm, and the spatial distribution of soil moisture in the experimental area was analyzed according tothe inversion results of the optimal model. At the same time, the soil moisture inversion model TP model, whichcould integrateed TVDI and PDI indices and without introducing fractional vegetation cover, was built as the controlgroup. The results showed that the R2of the TP model was 0. 606,0. 670, the root mean square error RMSE was0. 045、0. 041 for the depths of 0 to10 cm and >10 to 20 cm respectively. The accuracy of the seven models introducing fractional vegetation cover was improved to some extent compared with that of the TP model. Among them, theR2of the optimal model TP OSAVI was improved by 0. 143,0. 158, the RMSE was reduced by 0. 7 percentage points,0. 8 percentage points respectively, compared with the TP model. It showed that the introduction of fractional vegetation cover based on the drought indices could improve the accuracy of model inversion and different fractional vegetation cover had different effects on the accuracy of the model.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-02