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Secure Deduplication Method with Blockchain-basedSmart Contract for Heterogeneous Cloud Servers
江 粼1 李嘉兴2 武继刚1
1. 广东工业大学 计算机科学与技术学院,广东 广州 510006;2. 香港理工大学 人工智能设计研究所,香港 999077
JIANG Lin1 LI Jiaxing2 WU Jigang1
1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China; 2. Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China
区块链 云存储 智能合约 秘密共享方法 数据去重 安全性
blockchain cloud storage smart contract secret sharing method data deduplication security
TP309. 2TP309. 3
针对大数据时代用户数据在云服务器存储中面临的可靠性提升与重复数据删除策略之间的冲突,提出了一种基于区块链智能合约的异构服务器数据安全去重方法,利用区块链的去中心化、不可篡改和公开透明等特性,以及智能合约的自动化执行能力,实现了数据存储的安全性、可靠性和隐私保护。 具体而言,方法结合了秘密共享和区块链智能合约技术,设计了安全高效的云存储数据去重服务。 同时,通过区块链取代集中式第三方实体的功能,消除了潜在的安全隐患,并通过智能合约脚本缓解了服务器之间的异构性。 实验结果表明:研究方法在相同文件大小、不同文件块数量的情况下的平均计算开销比对比方法低 65. 42% ~ 115. 77%,平均储存开销降低 7. 94% ~19. 50%。 同时,在不 同 异 构 存 储 服 务 器 数 量 下, 平 均 计 算 开 销 与 存 储 开 销 分 别 降 低 了 67. 27% ~ 177. 89%、34. 01% ~ 72. 89%。 研究方法在安全性、计算开销及存储开销方面优于现有的两个基于区块链的数据去重方法。
In the era of big data in response to the conflict between the reliability enhancement of user data in cloudserver storage and the strategy for removing duplicate data, a heterogeneous server data security deduplication method was proposed blockchain-based smart contracts. Leveraging the decentralized, tamper-proof, and publicly transparent characteristics of blockchain, as well as the automation capabilities of smart contracts, this method could achieve data storage security, reliability, and privacy protection. Specifically, the method combined secret sharingand blockchain smart contract technology to design a secure and efficient cloud storage data deduplication service.Moreover, by replacing the role of centralized third-party entities with blockchain and mitigating server heterogeneity through smart contract scripts, potential security risks were eliminated. Experimental results demonstrated that,under various scenarios with different file sizes and block quantities, the average computational overhead of thismethod was 65. 42% to 115. 77% lower than the comparative solutions, and the average storage overhead was7. 94% to 19. 50% lower. Additionally, for varying numbers of heterogeneous storage servers, this method exhibited significantly lower average computational and storage overhead, with reductions of 67. 27% to 177. 89% and34. 01% to 72. 89%, respectively. Therefore, the proposed approach could outperform two existing blockchainbased deduplication method in terms of security, computational and storage efficiency.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-02