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Robust Algorithm for Aerial Video Stabilization of UAV Based onCamera Motion Trajectory
余松森 龙嘉濠 周 诺 梁 军
华南师范大学 软件学院,广东 佛山 528225
YU Songsen LONG Jiahao ZHOU Nuo LIANG Jun
School of Software, South China Normal University, Foshan 528225, China
无人机 视频稳定 特征提取 运动估计 峰值信噪比
UAV video stabilization feature extraction motion estimation peak signal-to-noise ratio
针对高空颠簸环境影响无人机采集延时稳定图像问题,提出了一种适用于悬停拍摄及移动拍摄的航拍视频防抖算法。 通过无人机摄像头获取延时摄影视频,提取全局范围内的部分视频帧进行直方图分布比较,进而确定视频是否是在无人机移动状态下拍摄的,并将视频划分为包含与不包含摄像机主动运动两类。 对于包含摄像机主动运动的一类,首先,采用 FAST 角点检测加光流法进行特征点提取配对;其次,利用 RANSAC 算法剔除误匹配特征点并进行摄像机运动轨迹估计;最后,利用高斯滤波对运动估计参数进行平滑以得到稳定的摄像机运动轨迹。对于不包含摄像机主动运动的一类,首先,对首帧进行网格划分并基于 Harris 矩阵提取各网格的特征点;其次,在后续帧对这些特征点进行光流追踪;再次,通过反向光流及 Harris 矩阵计算,增加特征点约束,完成特征点提取及匹配;最后,利用保留的特征点估计后续帧至首帧的稳定变换。 利用该算法对视频进行场景分类及画面稳定,实验结果表明:视频分类模块能正确区分两类视频;对比其他两种方法,稳定后的视频图像平均峰值信噪比提升更大;对于不含摄像机主动运动的视频,可实现画面绝对稳定,图像平均峰值信噪比提升超过 39%,而其他两种方法仅提升 10% ~ 12%。
Aiming at the problem of high altitude turbulence environment to the time-delay stable image acquisitionof UAV, an anti-shaking algorithm for aerial video was proposed for hovering shooting and moving shooting. Firstlyfrom the time-delay photography video captured the UAV camera, some video frames were extracted globally tocompare their histogram distributions. This comparison could identify whether the video contained active cameramotion or not, and help categorize the video accordingly. For videos with active camera motion, FAST cornerdetection and optical flow methods were used to extract and match feature points. The RANSAC algorithm couldremove all mismatched feature points, and estimate the camera′s motion trajectory. The resulting motion estimationparameters were then smoothed using Gaussian filtering, producing a stable camera motion trajectory. For videoswithout active camera motion, the first frame was divided into grids and feature points were extracted based onHarris matrix. Optical flow tracking was carried out on these feature points in subsequent frames. Reverse opticalflow and Harris matrix calculation were used to extract and match feature points, to increase the constraint of featurepoints. Finally, the retained feature points were used to estimate the stable transformation from subsequent framesto the first frame. Experimental results showed that the video classification module could correctly distinguishbetween the two types of videos. The algorithm was used to classify the video scene and stabilize the picture.Compared to other methods, this algorithm could improve the average peak signal-to-noise ratio of stabilized videoimages the most. For videos without active camera motion, the image could be absolutely stable, and the averagepeak signal-to-noise ratio of the image was increased by more than 39%, while the other two methods only by 10%to 12%.


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