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Reinforcement Learning Autonomous Driving Trajectory Prediction Based on Directed Graph
崔建明1 蔺繁荣1 张 迪1 张路宁1 刘 铭2
1. 长安大学 信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710018;2. 国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心,北京 100029
CUI Jianming1 LIN Fanrong1 ZHANG Di1 ZHANG Luning1 LIU Ming2
1. School of Information Engineering,Chang′an University, Xi′an 710018, China; 2. National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team / Coordination Center of China, Beijing 100029, China
自动驾驶 轨迹预测 有向图 强化学习 GAIL 注意力机制 多模态预测
autonomous driving trajectory prediction directed graph reinforcement learning GAIL attention mechanism multimodal predictio
O211. 62;TP183
轨迹预测作为自动驾驶中的重要组成部分,旨在对车辆进行行驶估计,以便车辆根据行驶估计进行路径 规划,从而做出安全准确的决策。 首先,为提升车辆轨迹预测精度,采用有向图方法构建高清驾驶场景地图,有向 图方法将地图信息矢量化,以便有效提取地图拓扑结构;其次,采用生成对抗模仿学习( GAIL) 通过生成器与判别 器的对抗博弈学习数据集驾驶策略,从而根据当前状态采取对应驾驶行为;最后,通过采样遍历得到多模态预测轨 迹方案。 在 nuScenes 运动预测数据集上进行仿真,量化结果显示相比于其他方法,K = 5 时,最小最终位移误差 MinFDE5 提高了 10. 8%;K = 10 时,最小最终位移误差 MinFDE10 提高了 17. 53%,最小平均位移误差 MinADE10 提高了 9. 52%,失误率 MissRate10 减少了 28. 26%。 评估结果表明:生成的轨迹多模态符合场景基本结构,且准确度得到提高。
As an important part of autonomous driving, trajectory prediction aimed to forcast the vehicle′s driving path, so that the vehicle could make path planning according to the driving estimation, so as to make safe and accurate decisions. Firstly, in order to improve the accuracy of vehicle trajectory prediction, the directed graph method was used to construct a high-definition driving scene map, and the directed graph method vectorized the map information to effectively extract the map topology. Secondly, GAIL was used to learn the driving strategy of the dataset through the confrontation game between the generator and the discriminator, so as to adopt the corresponding driving behavior according to the current state. Finally, the multimodal prediction trajectory scheme was obtained by sampling traversal. Simulation was carried out on the nuScenes motion prediction dataset. The quantitative results showed that compared with other methods, when K = 5, the minimum final displacement error MinFDE5 was increased by 10. 8%; when K = 10, the minimum fianl displacement error MinFDE10 increased by 17. 53%, the minimum average displacement error MinADE10 increased by 9. 52%, and the error rate MissRate10 decreased by 28. 26%. The evaluation showed that the generated trajectories were multimodal, could conform to the basic structure of the scene, with improved accuracy.


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