 Yi Maoxiang,Song Chenyu,Yu Jinxing,et al.An Adaptive Test Method of IC Based on Random Forest[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2021,42(04):13-18.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2021.02.016]





An Adaptive Test Method of IC Based on Random Forest
Yi Maoxiang; Song Chenyu; Yu Jinxing; Song Titan; Lu Yingchun; Huang Zhengfeng;
School of Electronic Science and Application Physics of Hefei University of Technology;
IC testrandom forestadaptive testtest timetest cost
An adaptive test method based on random forest was proposed to solve the problem of high test cost caused by increasing test time.For the chip of the training model,by calculating the Gini index,the importance of each test group to the model classification in the process of the chip parameter test was obtained,and the feature importance was used to quantify it.Then the importance of the test group was ranked to screen out the most important test groups for predicting the quality of the chip.At the same time,the number of defective chips that could be detected in each test group was counted.Part of the test was performed on the chips in the test set,the test time was reduced by deleting some test groups,and the random forest algorithm was used to predict the quality of the chips,so as to achieve a compromise between prediction accuracy and less time.Experimental results showed that compared with KNN and logistic regression algorithms,random forest could always maintains the best prediction accuracy,test escape level and running time.Compared with traditional test methods,the test time could be reduced by about 28% while maintaining a low test escape level.Compared with the other two representative adaptive testing methods,the proposed method performed better in reducing the test time.


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