FENG Zhipeng,ZHUANG Sen.Kinematics and Calculation about the Performance Parameters of the Axial Piston Pump based on the Spatial RCCR Mechanism[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2015,36(06):94.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2015.06.019]
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Kinematics and Calculation about the Performance Parameters of the Axial Piston Pump based on the Spatial RCCR Mechanism
- 作者:
冯志鹏; 庄森
- Author(s):
FENG Zhipeng; ZHUANG Sen
School of Mechanical Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China
- 关键词:
RCCR轴向柱塞泵; 排量; 柱塞数; 流量脉动系数
- Keywords:
RCCR axial piston; pump displacement; number of pistons; flow pulsation coefficient
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
以空间RCCR机构的原理及运动规律为基础,对基于空间RCCR机构的轴向柱塞泵进行了性能参数的计算,得出该泵的排量公式及流量脉动系数,并对柱塞数与流量脉动系数关系进行分析,证明了该泵符合一般斜轴泵的规律;此外,还将其与现有斜轴泵进行比较.结果表明:基于空间RCCR 机构的轴向柱塞泵传力杆较接处运动轨迹为一椭圆,且该泵柱塞的运动规律清晰,为一平滑的正弦曲线;该泵在斜轴泵工况下传力杆的Z向约束力受力状态良好,接近于余弦曲线.
- Abstract:
Based on the principle and the motion law of the spatial RCCR mechanism,the performance param-eters of the axial piston pump based on the Spatial RCCR Mechanism are calculated,and the displacement for-mula and the flow pulsation coefficient of this pump are obtained. Then,the relationship between the numberof pistons and the flow pulsation coefficient is analyzed,and it proved that this pump accords wih the law ofgeneral slanting axial pumps. Compared with the existing slanting axial pump,the movement orbits of the dow-el bar articulation joint point for the new type of axial piston pump is an ellipse,and the motion law of the pis-ton is clear,which is a smooth sine curve. And the force of z-atis is in good conditions of this oump at the ob-lique pump strucfure condition,which is close to consine curve.
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