[1]董辛旻,张洪溧,徐 刚,等.基于联合评价的微滴检测芯片微通道结构优化[J].郑州大学学报(工学版),2022,43(04):47-52.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2021.06.006]
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Optimization of Micro-channel Structure for Microfluidic Droplet Detection Chip Based on Joint Evaluation
董辛旻1 张洪溧1 徐 刚1 梁 帅1 余仁辉3

DONG Xinmin1ZHANG Hongli1XU Gang1LIANG Shuai12YU Renhui3
1.School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China;
2.Guangdong Shunde Innovation Design Institute,Foshan 528311,China;
3.Guangdong Institute of Special Equipment Inspection and Research Shunde Branch,Foshan 528300,China
droplet detection chipchannel structurecombination weightingrank-sum ratio methodjoint evaluation
为探究通过检测仪器间隔时间短、连续相试剂消耗量小、单列间距小的微滴检测芯片,建立了微通道仿真几何模型,并进行模型有效性验证实验。 利用 Fluent 仿真软件,对正交试验中 16 种不同结构尺寸的微滴检测芯片进行数值模拟,将主观赋权法与客观赋权法相结合,形成组合赋权法对评价指标 赋权,采用理想解法( TOPSIS) 、秩和比法( RSR) 对数值模拟结果进行联合评价,得出 16 种结构的优劣次序。 评价结果表明,连续相通道宽度为 80 μm、离散相通道宽度为 90 μm、两相流体交汇出口宽度为100 μm、通道深度为 50 μm 的结构最优,可以得到微滴序列间距小、单个微滴检测间隔时间较短、连续相液体消耗较小的经济性较优的微滴检测芯片。
In order to explore the droplet detection chip with short detection instrument time,small continuous phase reagent consumption and small single column spacing,the micro-channel simulation geometric model was established,and the model validity verification experiment was carried out.Using Fluent simulation software,and simulating 16 kinds of droplet detection chips with different structural sizes in the orthogonal experiment,the subjective weighting method and the objective weighting method were combined to form a combination weighting method to weight the evaluation indicators.TOPSIS and RSR were used to jointly evaluate the numerical simulation results,and the order of superiority and inferiority of 16 kinds of structures were obtained.The evaluation results showed that a droplet detection chip with the optimal size structure could be obtained in the conditions of the continuous phase channel size of 80 μm,the discrete phase channel size of 90 μm,the cross exit channel size of 100 μm and the channel depth of 50 μm.The droplet detection chip with that structure consumed less continuous phase reagent per unit time and could produce the performance with smaller droplet sequence spacing and short detection interval time of single droplet.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-07-03