WANG Wei-shu,LI Shuai-shuai,ZHOU Jun-jie,et al.The Temperature Characteristics Study of Spiral Water-wallin 350 Mw Supercritical Pressure Boilers[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2013,34(03):50-54.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2013.03.013]
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- Title:
The Temperature Characteristics Study of Spiral Water-wallin 350 Mw Supercritical Pressure Boilers
- 作者:
王为术; 李帅帅; 周俊杰; 等.
华北水利水电学院热能工程研究中心,河南郑州,450011, 郑州大学化工与能源学院,河南郑州,450001, 西安交通大学动力工程多相流国家重点实验室,陕西西安,710049
- Author(s):
WANG Wei-shu’ ; LI Shuai-shuai’; ZHOU Jun-jie’; BI Qin-cheng’
1.Institute of Thermal Energy Engineering,North China University of Water Resources and Eletric Power, Zhengzhou 450011 ,China; 2.School of Chemical and Energy Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001 ,China; 3.State Key Lab ofMultiphase Flow in Power Engineering , Xi’ an Jiaotong University , Xi’an 710049 , China
- 关键词:
超临界锅炉; 螺旋水冷壁; 温度场; 数值计算
- Keywords:
supercritical pressure boiler; spiral water-wall; temperature field; numerically calculation
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
In view of the temperature characteristics of water wall in 350MW supercritical pressure boiler ofLinzhou thermal power plant,the temperature fields of rectangular fins water wall were numerically studied bythe finite volume method , and the spiral membrane water-wall temperature in the lower furnace was analyzed.According to the calculation results,temperature of spiral water-walls increases with the increase of the heightof furnace. The highest temperature,which occurs at the facing flame outer of water wall tube or the fin’send,is less than 440 C and does not exceed the permitted value of the metal. Both the highest temperatureand the maximum temperature difference increase with increasing the furnace load. As the thermal deviationcan be effectively reduced by using spiral water-wall,the temperature of water-walls and the temperaturedifference of working medium between each tube are very small along the width direction of the furnace.
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