 QIN Dongchen,ZHAO Hongfei,WU Hongxia,et al.Research on Dynamic Grouping Active Equalization of Series Batteries Based on Reconfigurable Circuits[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(pre):2.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.05.003]





Research on Dynamic Grouping Active Equalization of Series Batteries Based on Reconfigurable Circuits
(郑州大学 机械与动力工程学院,河南 郑州450001)
QIN Dongchen ZHAO Hongfei WU Hongxia YANG Junjie CHEN Jiangyi WANG Tingting
(School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
lithium-ion battery active equalization reconfigurable circuits dynamic grouping multi-cell-to-multi-cell

针对电池组中单体电池电量不一致问题,以串联电池组为研究对象,对电池主动均衡控制技术进行研究,研究内容包括均衡拓扑的改进和均衡控制策略的设计。 首先,提出了一种新型均衡拓扑结构并对其进行验证;其次,建立均衡电路的数学模型,分析均衡过程中电压差和开关频率对均衡性能的影响,并根据电压差分析结果设计了基于可变占空比的多对多均衡控制策略,以提高电池组均衡速度和均衡一致性;最后,MATLAB / Simulink 中进行均衡拓扑与均衡算法的联合仿真。 结果表明:与固定分组均衡控制策略相比,所提均衡拓扑和控制策略能够提高电池组均衡速度和均衡一致性,均衡时间减少了 29. 71%,电池荷电状态 SOC 方差降低了 16. 13%,均衡过程中能量转移次数减少了 52. 5%

In order to solve the problem of inconsistent state of charge (SOC)of single cells in battery pack, the active equalization control technology is studied with series battery pack as the research object. The research content included the improvement of the balancing topology and the design of the balancing control strategy. Firstly, a new topology is proposed and verified. Secondly, the mathematical model of equalization circuit is established, and the effects of voltage difference and switching frequency on equalization performance are analyzed. According to the results of voltage difference analysis, a multi-cell-to-multi-cell balancing control strategy based on variable duty cycle is designed to improve the equalization speed and consistency of battery pack. Finally, the joint simulation of equalization topology and equalization strategy is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink. The results show that, compared with the fixed group balancing control strategy, the proposed balancing topology and control strategy can improve the balancing speed and consistency of the battery pack, the time efficiency is increased by 29.71%, the battery SOC variance is reduced by 16.13% and the number of energy transfers is reduced by 52.5%


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收稿日期:2024-03-12? ;修订日期:2024-04-28。作者简介:秦东晨(1965—),男,郑州大学教授,博士,主要从事机械强度及结构优化设计、虚拟样机、CAD/CAE/CAM集成方面研究,E-mail:dcqin@zzu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-24