 QIN Dongchen,ZHANG Wencan,WANG Tingting,et al.A Path Planning Method for Parallel Parking in Constrained Parking Channels[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(05):1-7.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.05.006]





A Path Planning Method for Parallel Parking in Constrained Parking Channels
秦东晨 张文灿 王婷婷 陈江义
郑州大学 机械与动力工程学院,河南 郑州 450001
QIN Dongchen ZHANG Wencan WANG Tingting CHEN Jiangyi
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
自动泊车 混合 A∗ 算法 路径规划 二次规划 自动驾驶
automatic parking hybrid A∗algorithm path planning quadratic programming autonomous driving
TP242. 6
针对受限泊车通道下自动泊车规划时间长、成功率低等问题,提出了一种改进混合 A∗ 算法的路径规划方法。 首先,将泊车路径分为前进的位姿调整段与后退的倒车入库段两部分,通过建立直线-圆弧的约束优化模型规划位姿调整段,寻找合适的倒车起始点;其次,通过在混合 A∗ 算法中额外引入碰撞风险代价,改进节点扩展方式,并通过判断车辆轮廓线是否与障碍物线相交来进行碰撞检测,以提高倒车入库段规划的实时性和安全性;最后,以路径长度、平滑度、偏离度为指标设计目标函数,并考虑汽车的运动学约束,使用二次规划对初始路径进行平滑,得到最终路径。 使用 MATLAB 对改进算法与原始算法进行仿真分析,结果表明:在受限泊车通道下,改进算法能得到平滑的无碰撞泊车路径,搜索时间比混合 A∗ 算法减少了 23. 8%,且所得路径更安全,更易进行跟踪控制。
To solve to the problems of long planning times and low success rates in automatic parking in constrainedparking lanes, a modified approach to path planning was proposed, which could improve the hybrid A∗algorithm.Firstly, the parking path was divided into two parts: a forward pose adjustment segment and a reverse parkingsegment. A linear-arc constrained optimization model was established to plan the pose adjustment segment, whilefinding a suitable starting point for reverse parking. Subsequently, collision risk cost was introduced as anadditional factor in the hybrid A∗algorithm. The node expansion process was improved by checking whether thevehicle contour intersects with obstacle lines, enhancing the real-time performance and safety of the reverse parkingsegment. Finally, a cost function was designed with criteria such as path length, smoothness, and deviation, takinginto account the vehicle′s kinematic constraints. A quadratic programming approach was used to smooth the initialpath, resulting in the final path. Simulation analysis was conducted using MATLAB to compare the modifiedalgorithm with the original algorithm. The results showed that, in constrained parking lanes, the improved algorithmcould produce a smooth, collision-free parking path with a reduced search time of 23. 8% compared with the hybridA∗algorithm. Additionally, the obtained path was safer and more suitable for tracking control.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-02