[1]袁 峰,刘凌仲,秦东晨,等.CT 机双列角接触球转盘轴承建模与振动特性分析[J].郑州大学学报(工学版),2024,45(05):23-29.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.05.007]
 YUAN Feng,LIU Lingzhong,QIN Dongchen,et al.Modeling and Vibration Characteristics Analysis of Double-rowAngular Contact Ball Turntable Bearings in CT Machine[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(05):23-29.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.05.007]

CT 机双列角接触球转盘轴承建模与振动特性分析()




Modeling and Vibration Characteristics Analysis of Double-rowAngular Contact Ball Turntable Bearings in CT Machine
袁 峰1 刘凌仲1 秦东晨1 陈江义1 谢兴会2
1. 郑州大学 机械与动力工程学院,河南 郑州 450001;2. 洛阳 LYC 轴承有限公司,河南 洛阳 471039
YUAN Feng1 LIU Lingzhong1 QIN Dongchen1 CHEN Jiangyi1 XIE Xinghui2
1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001,China; 2. Luoyang LYC Bearing Co. ,Ltd. , Luoyang 471039, China
CT 机 力学模型 振动模型 结构参数 振动加速度
CT machine mechanical model vibration model structural parameter vibration acceleration
TH133. 3TH113. 1
为了提高 CT 机主轴承的运转特性,确保 CT 机医学成像的稳定性,以洛阳 LYC 轴承有限公司研制的双列角接触球转盘轴承为研究对象进行建模与振动特性分析。 首先,基于 Hertz 接触理论建立轴承在承受复合载荷作用下的力学模型;其次,结合 Newton 运动定律确立轴 承 外 圈 3 自 由 度 非 线 性 动 力 学 微 分 方 程;最 后,采 用 4 阶Runge-Kutta 法对微分方程组进行求解,获得轴承外圈的振动特性。 在此基础上,通过分析影响轴承振动特性的因素如轴承内、外圈沟曲率半径系数、滚动体数量、游隙、预紧力等,从而确定满足 CT 机主轴承低振动下的最优结构参数。 结果表明:轴承振动幅值随着内、外圈沟曲率半径系数的增加呈现出先减小后增大的趋势,将其分别控制在0. 515 ~ 0. 525、0. 510 ~ 0. 525 更有利于降低轴承的振动;随着滚动体数量的增加,轴承的振动幅值也随之增加,但变化平稳,故在满足设计条件的前提下减少滚动体的数量可以降低轴承振动;随着轴承游隙的增加,轴承的振动幅值先减小后急剧增大,在 18 μm 处振动达到最小;合适的轴向载荷可以有效降低轴承的振动幅值。
In order to improve the running characteristics of the main bearing of the CT machine and ensure the stability of the medical imaging of the CT machine, the double-row angular contact ball turntable bearing developed by Luoyang LYC Bearing Co. , Ltd. was used as the research object for modeling and vibration characteristic analysis.Firstly, based on Hertz′s contact theory, the mechanical model of the bearing with the action of composite load wasestablished. Then the nonlinear dynamic differential equation of the bearing outer ring with 3 degrees of freedomwas established in combination with Newton′s law of motion. Finally the differential equation system was solved bythe fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to obtain the vibration characteristics of the bearing outer ring. On this basis,by analyzing the factors affecting the vibration characteristics of the bearing, such as the radius coefficient of curvature of the groove in the inner and outer rings of the bearing, the number of rolling elements, the clearance, thepreload, etc. , the optimal structural parameters to meet the low vibration of the main bearing of the CT machinewere determined. The results show that the vibration amplitude of the bearing decreases first and then increases withthe increase of the radius coefficient of curvature of the inner and outer ring grooves, which were controlled at0. 515 to 0. 525, respectively. The range of 0. 510 to 0. 525 was more conducive to reducing the vibration of thebearing. With the increase of the number of rolling elements, the vibration amplitude of the bearing also increases,but the change was stable, so the vibration of the bearing can be reduced by reducing the number of rolling elements under the premise of satisfying the design conditions. With the increase of the bearing clearance, the vibration amplitude of the bearing decreases first and then increases sharply, and the vibration reaches the minimum at18 μm. Appropriate axial load can effectively reduce the vibration amplitude of the bearing.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-02