 CHENG Lianhua,YANG Yaoyan,LI Shugang,et al.Analysis of Key Risk Factors and Coupling Effects of Construction Safety ofHigh-rise Buildings[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2024,45(06):92-99.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2024.06.006]





Analysis of Key Risk Factors and Coupling Effects of Construction Safety ofHigh-rise Buildings
成连华 杨曜妍 李树刚 魏 凯 曹东强
西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054
CHENG Lianhua YANG Yaoyan LI Shugang WEI Kai CAO Dongqiang
College of Safety Science and Engineering, Xi’ an University of Science and Technology, Xi’ an 710054, China
复杂网络 高层建筑 耦合关系 N-K 模型 风险因子
complex network high-rise buildings coupling relationship N-K model risk factors
X913. 4TU714
为探究高层建筑施工安全的关键性风险因子及风险因素的耦合效应,将复杂网络模型和 N-K 模型相结合,根据事故案例调查报告的完整性选取了 2015—2022 年高层建筑施工事故案例 158 起,根据扎根理论对其中84 起事故案例原因进行信息编码,经统计分析识别出人、机、料、管、环 5 类风险因素和 23 个风险因子。 根据 N-K模型计算风险因素各类耦合形式的风险耦合值,运用 Ucinet 软件得出复杂网络模型中各风险因子的度值分布。 通过 Netdraw 绘制高层建筑施工风险耦合网络模型图,并对 23 个风险因子的节点进行潜在风险链分析,将潜在风险链耦合形式和 N-K 模型耦合度值相结合对标准化出度进行修正。 用剩余 74 起事故案例对所得结果进行验证,验证结果与先前 84 起事故案例分析结果大致相符。 结果表明:参与耦合的风险因素数量越多风险耦合值越大,其中,有设备因素参与的耦合形式耦合值最大。 现场管理不到位、安全教育培训不到位、安全管理制度不完备、未正确穿戴防护用品和隐患排查治理不到位是需要重点防控的关键性风险因子。
In order to explore the key risk factors of high-rise building construction safety and the coupling effects ofrisk elements, the complex network model and the N-K model were combined, 158 high-rise building constructionaccident cases from 2015 to 2022 were selected according to the completeness of the accident case investigation report, and the causes of 84 of them were coded according to the grounded theory, and 5 risk elements including human, machine, material, pipe and environment and 23 risk factors were identified through statistical analysis. Thecoupling risk values of various coupling forms of risk elements were calculated according to the N-K model, and thedegree value distribution of each risk factor in the complex network model was obtained by using Ucinet software.The risk coupling network model of high-rise building construction was drawn by Netdraw, and the potential riskchain of nodes of 23 risk factors was analyzed, and the coupling form of potential risk chain and the coupling degreevalue of N-K model were combined to modify the standardized output. The remaining 74 accident cases were used toverify the results, and the verification results were roughly consistent with the previous 84 accident cases. The results showed that the greater the number of risk elements involved in coupling, the greater the risk coupling value,and the coupling form involving equipment elements had the largest coupling value. The lack of site management,the lack of safety education and training, the incompleteness of safety management system, inporper wearing of protective equipment, and the lack of investigation and management of hidden danger were the key risk factors thatneed to be focused on prevention and control.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-09-29