 Zhu Xinglong,Cao Yu,Ma Qian,et al.Robustness Research of Center Coordinate Value for Speckle Contour and Denoising Algorithm Implementation[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2021,42(04):63-69.[doi:10.13705/j.issn.1671-6833.2021.04.024]





Robustness Research of Center Coordinate Value for Speckle Contour and Denoising Algorithm Implementation
Zhu Xinglong; Cao Yu; Ma Qian; Yin Yiyao;
School of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University;
speckle contourde-noising algorithmrobustnessellipse fitting
The combination of monocular vision and laser spot could measure the depth information.The laser spot was irradiated on the surface of the object to be measured,after imaging by CCD camera,it would be generally elliptical spot,the accuracy of the center coordinate value (CCV)of the speckle would effect of the depth information.Due to the influence of surface roughness,surface bumps,pits and other defects to be measured,the edge of the imaging speckle was scattered,resulting in noise in the contour after image processing.When this data with contour noise was used to fit the spot center,the CCV of the speckle would be affected by the contour noise.The principle of depth information measurement by monocular vision and laser point combination was expounded,the causes of speckle contour noise were analyzed,a method to eliminate contour noise based on statistical principle at introverted and extroverted ellipse boundaries was proposed,two-step method was adopted to verify the robustness of the CCV of the proposed algorithm.In the first step,ideal data was adopted,that was,the known speckle ellipse was added with various noise points to verify that the algorithm could converge to the known ellipse center,and the proposed algorithm was superior to other typical algorithms and had better robustness.In the second step,the actual images of different depths of the measured surface were collected by the image measuring system to obtain the CCV of the speckle contour.The relationship model between the depth information of the measured surface and the CCV of the speckle contour was obtained by the fitting method.The comparison between the measured data of different positions of the measured surface and the calculated data of the relationship model showed that the measurement accuracy of the algorithm was better than other algorithms,which indirectly verified that the speckle center of the algorithm after denoising was closer to the theoretical speckle center and has better robustness.


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