[1]张树忠,江吉彬,练国富.液压挖掘机可回收能量分布研究[J].郑州大学学报(工学版),2014,35(02):120-123.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671 -6833.2014.02.028]
ZHANG Shuzhong,JANG Jibin,LIAN Guofu.Research on Recoverable Energy Distribution of Hydraulic Excavator[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2014,35(02):120-123.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671 -6833.2014.02.028]
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Research on Recoverable Energy Distribution of Hydraulic Excavator
- 作者:
张树忠; 江吉彬; 练国富
- Author(s):
ZHANG Shuzhong; JANG Jibin; LIAN Guofu
School of M echanical and Automotive Engineering, Fujian University of Technology, Fuzhou 350108, China
- Keywords:
hydraulie exeavator; reeoverable energy; distribution; experiment; boom potenlial energy; swing braking energy
- DOI:
10.3969/j.issn.1671 -6833.2014.02.028
- 文献标志码:
- Abstract:
Based on the inelfieieney of exeavator hydraulie system , a 20-on hydraulie exeavator adopted doub.le-pump and dual-cireuit is taken as research objeet. The reeoverable energy distribution experiment of hy.draulie system is set up, and the models of muli-body work set and hydraulie system are built in MATLAB.After simulation and experimental studies in the standard work eyele, the reeoverable energy distributions oleach aetuator ( swing motor, boom , stick , bucket hydraulie eylinder) are ealeulated. The results show that re.coverable energy reaches up to 21.196 of total input energy of hydraulie system, in which the boom potentialenergy and swing braking energy oecupy most of the recoverable energy aecounting for 7296 and 23.896 re.speelively, indiealing the boom polential and swing braking energy recovery system is an effective way to reduee energy consumption .
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