YANG FengYe,LlU MinShan,LIU Tong,et al.Research of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2 at Supercritical Pressures in Microtubes[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2014,35(02):96-99.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2014.02.022]
- 卷:
- 期数:
- 页码:
- 栏目:
- 出版日期:
- Title:
Research of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2 at Supercritical Pressures in Microtubes
- 作者:
杨凤叶; 刘敏珊; 刘彤
- Author(s):
YANG FengYe; LlU MinShan; LIU Tong; etc;
Key laboritary of Proess Heat "ransler and knergy Saving of Henan Province, 2hengzhou Umiversity, 2hengzhou 450002. china
- Keywords:
supereritical CO2; convection transfer; buoyancy
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- Abstract:
Conveetion heat transfer of supererilical pressure CO, in mierotubes (D =0.4 mm) were investiga-ted, the changes of physieal property of supereritieal CO, and the impaet of buoyaney on the heat transfer wereanalyzed, and eonvection correlations of supereritical CO, in mierotubes were fitted when considering buoyan.ey. The results showed that the impaet of physieal properties of carbon dioxide on the buoyaney was big, andthe physieal property of CO, changes very violently at the critical point , which caused larger decline of buoyan.cy, heat transer was strengthened. lt was also eoneluded that the heat transfer correlations of the supererilicaC0, were achieved, which can be used to prediet heat transfer performanee of supereritieal CO, in mierolubes.
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