Ll Zai-wei,LIAN Song-liang.Characteristic Analysis of Track Irregularity Spectrum of Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2013,34(05):52-55.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2013.05.011]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Characteristic Analysis of Track Irregularity Spectrum of Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway
- 作者:
李再帏; 练松良.
上海工程技术大学城市轨道交通学院,上海,201620, 同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室,上海,201804
- Author(s):
Ll Zai-wei1; LIAN Song-liang1
1. College of Urban Rail Transportation,Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620,China,2.Key Labora-tory of Road and ’Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education ,Tongji University ,Shanghai 201804,China
- 关键词:
铁路轨道; 不平顺; 功率谱密度; 相干分析; 时频分析
- Keywords:
railway track; irregularity ; power spectral density; coherence analysis; time-frequency analysis
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
According to the track geometry data collected by track recording vehicles from Wuhan-Guangzhouhigh-speed railway,the characteristic of track irregularity is analyzed. Firstly,power spectral density is calcu-lated with Matlab program,and compared with European high-speed spectra of high irregularity and low irregu-larity.The statistic and analysis result indicates that the track irregularity spectrum values of Wuhan-Guang-zhou high-speed railway are close to European high-speed spectra of low irregularity except for some wave-length bands of track alignment irregularity spectrum values;this indicates that the track status of Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway is better. Furthermore,the coherence functions are utilized to analyze the rela-tionship between track irregularities and vertical/lateral car body vibration accelerations. The range of detri-mental track irregularity wavelengths is larger than the common railroad.Finally,Hilbert marginal spectrum oftrack irregularity is calculated. The result shows that there are medium wave and long wave track irregularity inWuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway.
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