LI Shunyi,LI Bin,WU Zhenjun,et al.Preparation of Novel Cross-linked Chitosan Resin and Properties of Adsorption on Pb (Ⅱ)[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2012,33(03):80-83.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2012.03.020]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Preparation of Novel Cross-linked Chitosan Resin and Properties of Adsorption on Pb (Ⅱ)
- 作者:
李顺义; 李斌; 吴朕君; 等.
郑州大学 化工与能源学院,河南郑州,450001, 郑州大学 化工与能源学院,河南郑州,450001, 郑州大学 化工与能源学院,河南郑州,450001, 郑州大学 化工与能源学院,河南郑州,450001
- Author(s):
LI Shunyi; LI Bin; WU Zhenjun; etc;
School af Chemical Engineering and Enetpy , Zhengzhou Univemity, Zhengzhou 450001 , China
- 关键词:
新型壳聚糖交联树脂; Pb(Ⅱ); 热力学; 动力学
- Keywords:
a new chitosan cross-linked resin; Pb (Ⅱ); thermodynamics; kinetics
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 摘要:
以自制的壳聚糖树脂生成装置,采用改进的滴加成球法,以环氧氯丙烷做交联剂,合成新型壳聚糖交联树脂.研究树脂对Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附效果,探讨了溶液pH、吸附时间、温度、初始浓度等因素对其吸附性能的影响及吸附热力学和动力学.结果表明,pH对树脂吸附Pb(Ⅱ)的影响较大;在pH =6,温度30℃,吸附4.5h时,最大吸附容量可达105.0 mg/g;用Temkin等温线模型和Pseudo second-order动力学模型对树脂的吸附过程进行线性拟合,相关系数R2分别为0.9995和0.9926,表明新型交联树脂对Pb(Ⅱ)的吸附是物理吸附和化学吸附共同作用的结果.
- Abstract:
In this study, chitosan resin was prepared with an improved drop-ball-forming method using chi.tosan as the raw material. Epichlorohydrin was used to cross-link the resin in order to enhance rigidity of res.in, and a new chitosan cross-inked resin was synthesised, The pH of solution, temperalure, time and initialconcentralion of Pb( ll ) were discussed to assess the adsorption performance. Besides, adsorption thermody-namic and kinetic of Pb ( Il ) was studied, The results showed that the pH was the main influencing factor,after 4.5 hours of adsorption at pH =6.0 and 30 ℃, the maximum adsorption capacity ( 105.0 mg/g) wasreached. Moreover, Temkin equation and Pseudo gecond-order equation were used to describe the thermody.namic and kinelics. The correlation coefficients were 0, 9995 and 0, 9926 respectively. The results showed thatthe removal mecbanism may include physical adsorption and chemical adsorption.
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