LIU Xiaofang,ZHAO Jingyu,SUN Yufu.The Influence of Tungsten on Microstructure and PropertiesChromium Cast Iron[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2009,30(03):122-125.
- 卷:
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- Title:
The Influence of Tungsten on Microstructure and PropertiesChromium Cast Iron
- 作者:
刘晓芳; 赵靖宇; 孙玉福.
郑州大学,材料科学与工程学院,河南,郑州,450001, 郑州大学,材料科学与工程学院,河南,郑州,450001, 郑州大学,材料科学与工程学院,河南,郑州,450001
- Author(s):
LIU Xiaofang; ZHAO Jingyu; SUN Yufu
College of Materials Science and Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China
- 关键词:
钨; Cr20高铬铸铁; 组织; 性能
- Keywords:
Tungsten; CR20 high chromium cast iron; organization; Performance
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
研究了钨元素对Cr20高铬铸铁组织及性能的影响.试验结果表明,钨元素在碳化物和基体中均匀分布,钨的碳化物以WC1-x、W6、C2.54、CW3形式存在.铸态组织为马氏体+奥氏体+碳化物.舍钨量质量分数为1%时,硬度为56~59 HRC,冲击韧度为10~12 J/cm2,耐磨性是不含钨时的2倍,舍钨量达到3%时,冲击韧度明显下降,但耐磨性是不含钨的2.3倍;含钨量为1.0%的试样经1 050℃淬火250℃回火,组织为马氏体+碳化物+少量残余奥氏体,硬度为60~61 HRC,冲击韧度为8~9 J/cm2,其耐磨性是不含钨的3.0倍.
- Abstract:
The influence of Tungsten on microstructure and properties of Cr20 high chromium cast iron wasstudied in this paper.The results indicate that the distribution of Tungsten is uniform in carbide and matrix.The carbide formation of Tungsten contains WCI一。,W6C2.54 and CW3.The as—cast microstructure consists ofmartensite。austenite and carbide.Hardness and Impact toughness of the sample containing 1%W are 56~59HRC and 10—12 J/em2,respectively.The wear resistant is 2 times as good as that of the sample with noTungsten addition.When Tungsten content reaches 3%,the impact toughness decreases obviously,but itswear resistant is 2.3 times as good as that of the sample with no Tungsten addition.For the sample containing1%W.hardness and impact toughness reach 60—6 1 HRC and 8—9 J/cm。respectively and the microstructureconsists of martensite,carbide and small quantity residual austenite,under the condition of quenching at1 050℃and tempering at 250℃.The wear resistance is 3.00 times as good as that of the sample with noTungsten addition.
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