Zhan Yuzhong,CHEN Yiliang,XU Jun,et al.Research on the preparation of a new catalytic material aluminum nitride phosphate[J].Journal of Zhengzhou University (Engineering Science),2005,26(03):4-7.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-6833.2005.03.002]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Research on the preparation of a new catalytic material aluminum nitride phosphate
- 作者:
詹予忠; 陈宜俍; 徐军; 等.
郑州大学化工学院,河南,郑州,450002, 郑州大学化工学院,河南,郑州,450002, 郑州大学化工学院,河南,郑州,450002, 郑州大学化工学院,河南,郑州,450002, 郑州大学化工学院,河南,郑州,450002
- Author(s):
Zhan Yuzhong; CHEN Yiliang; XU Jun; etc
- 关键词:
多孔磷酸铝; 氮化; 氮化磷酸铝; 制备; 一级动力学方程
- Keywords:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
通过无定型磷酸铝在大约800℃的高温下同氨反应,制备了新型催化材料氮化磷酸铝.考察了磷酸铝粒度、氨流量和氮化温度对制备的影响.实验发现材料粒径对氮化有一定的影响,粒径小于0.25mm时此影响消失.氮化过程需要很大的氨流量,才能保证较快的氮化速度.氨流量低时,反应速度太慢,氮化时间很长.氮化速度随着氮化温度的升高而加快.实验还发现800℃下氮化已有明显的磷损失,氮化开始5 h P/Al(原子数比)由1降至0.75左右,然后保持恒定.建立了描述氮化过程中样品的氮含量随氮化时间变化的一级表观动力学方程,该方程能较好的拟合实验数据.
- Abstract:
A new catalytic material aluminum nitride phosphate was prepared by reacting with ammonia at a high temperature of about 800 °C by reacting amorphous aluminum phosphate at a high temperature of about 0 °C. The effects of aluminum phosphate particle size, ammonia flow rate and nitriding temperature on the preparation were investigated. Experiments have found that the particle size of the material has a certain influence on nitriding, and this effect disappears when the particle size is less than 25.800mm.The nitriding process requires a large ammonia flow rate to ensure a faster nitriding rate. When the ammonia flow is low, the reaction speed is too slow and the nitriding time is very long. The nitriding rate accelerates with the increase of nitriding temperature. The experiment also found that there was a significant loss of phosphorus in nitriding at 5°C, and the nitriding began to decrease from 1 to about 0.75 at <> h, and then remained constant. A first-order epikinetic equation describing the change of nitrogen content of samples with nitriding time during nitriding was established, which could fit the experimental data well.
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